• Honesty: Mission Multipliers must always be truthful in their communications, never misleading donors or potential donors about the organization, its mission, or the intended use of donations.

  • Transparency: Organizations should be open about their financial situations, including their incomes, expenditures, and use of donations. They should also provide regular, clear reports on their activities and accomplishments.

  • Respect for Donor Intent: Donations should be used for the purposes for which they were given. If a donor specifies that their donation is to be used for a particular project or purpose, it is ethically crucial to honor this intent.

  • Confidentiality: Personal information about donors and prospective donors must be handled with respect and confidentiality to the extent provided by law.

  • Fairness: Fundraisers should strive to be fair in all their dealings. This means avoiding discrimination, respecting diversity, and promoting inclusivity in fundraising activities.

  • Stewardship: Fundraisers should manage the resources entrusted to them with care, ensuring that funds are used responsibly, efficiently, and effectively to meet the organization's goals.

  • Professionalism: Fundraisers should uphold the integrity of their profession, behaving in a way that brings credit to their organization and the fundraising profession as a whole.

  • Accountability: Fundraisers should be accountable for their actions and decisions. This includes taking responsibility for mistakes, learning from them, and taking action to rectify them.

  • Relationship Building: Fundraisers should aim to build long-term relationships with donors based on mutual respect and shared goals, rather than focusing solely on short-term financial gain.

  • Recognition: Fundraisers should appropriately acknowledge contributions from donors, showing gratitude and recognizing the impact of their generosity. This not only affirms the value of the donation but also builds a foundation for future giving.

Last modified: Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 4:53 PM