5 Social Media Ministry Benefits and Ways to Implement Them

  1. Reach those who are unable to attend services for various reasons. There are a number of reasons congregants can’t attend services throughout the week, from physical distance to physical ailments. However, a social media ministry allows them to stay connected and remain part of the community. 

    This type of ministry is ideal for those who are elderly and even for families who struggle to get to a Sunday morning service regularly. (Who hasn’t struggled to get the kids dressed, fed, and out the door in time to get seated in the sanctuary BEFORE worship starts?) An online community or study allows them to fellowship virtually. 

    Implementation: Create a private Bible study Facebook group. We suggest starting out by posting a video once a week to your Facebook page. This video could be an overview of the study material and lesson. Encourage people to tune in and comment. Post related study questions throughout the week.
  1. Encourage your donors and supporters. Any supporter of a church or ministry wants to know they are making an impact. While social media groups should be focused on building a community rather than building donations, there are ways to encourage donors without a direct ask. 

    Implementation: Leverage an impact story. The Bible is full of powerful impact stories. The human brain identifies with transformation stories. After all, we are all living one of our own. Your church or ministry can highlight a transformation story from a program or donation on your Facebook group page. 

    Start your impact story by stating how the person or group was struggling before your donors provided their support. Remind the donors of their impact. End by projecting how their support will continue to change lives and meet future goals. 
  1. Reach the younger generation. We know the younger generation is online. In fact, according to a Pew Research report, “Almost all Millennials (nearly 100%) now say they use the internet, and 19% of them are smartphone-only internet users—that is, they own a smartphone but do not have broadband internet services at home.”

    Implementation: Create an online presence on top of social media platforms. We suggest starting with one platform, Facebook, and getting this bridge built before moving on to others such as Instagram or Snapchat. 

    This isn’t to say that once you are present on Facebook, you no longer need to develop and build on what was started. You’ll want to continue to grow this ministry by scheduling posts, producing graphics, uploading videos, etc. 
  1. Build a brand through recognition and authority. If you have a message that changes lives, people need to be able to recognize and easily share your church or ministry with others. Through social media, you can build brand authority and recognition. 

    Implementation: Develop a style guide. A style guide is a great place to start. This creates a cohesive look, feel, and voice that everyone on your team can easily reference when producing content for your social media ministry.  
  1. Lead people to human interactions. Although social media is a powerful tool for reaching the lost, hurt, and future generations, we can’t deny that people still want human interaction. A social media ministry can help satisfy that desire. 

    Implementation: Schedule various in-person meetings throughout the year. This can be something else to add to your social media arsenal. Build up excitement as you plan for regularly scheduled in-person events. Make an announcement on social media platforms. 

    In essence, a social media ministry can be the gate that people enter to find out about your church or ministry, get involved, and ultimately become a supporter, all while finding a sense of belonging and community. 


Modifié le: mercredi 3 mai 2023, 07:49