Match Maker Minister First Meeting


Failure and rejection are inevitable parts of life that everyone experiences at some point. It is crucial to remember that these setbacks do not define our worth or hinder our potential for love and success. In this discussion, we will explore the insights provided by the Bible regarding failure and rejection. Additionally, we will delve into strategies for overcoming these challenges and finding hope and healing.


Psalm 34:18 - "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." 1 Peter 5:7 - "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

Discussion Questions

  1. What wisdom does the Bible offer regarding failure and rejection?
  2. How can we effectively overcome failure and rejection?
  3. What approaches can we take to discover hope and healing after experiencing failure or rejection?


Dear God,

Today, we seek your assistance in overcoming failure and rejection. While recognizing that these experiences are a part of life, we find solace in knowing that you are always with us, ready to guide us through these trials.

Grant us the strength to rise after every fall, to learn from our mistakes, and to move forward with hope in our hearts.

We also implore your healing touch to mend the wounds caused by failure and rejection. Fill us with your peace and love as we navigate these challenging moments.

In Jesus' name, amen.


Failure and rejection do not define who we are. Through God's love and grace, we can triumph over these obstacles, finding hope and healing along the way. Remembering the biblical teachings and relying on divine guidance, we can increase our chances of forming a godly partnership and building a resilient and fulfilling marriage.

Topics to Cover

  1. Defining Dating: Explore the concept of dating as a process of getting to know someone with the intent of establishing a romantic relationship.
  2. Goals of Dating: Discuss common objectives people have in dating, such as finding love, companionship, and marriage.
  3. Benefits of Dating: Highlight the positive aspects of dating, such as meeting new people, self-discovery, and enjoyment, as well as building meaningful connections and finding love.
  4. Challenges of Dating: Address the difficulties that can arise in dating, including rejection, managing expectations, and conflict resolution.
  5. Biblical Principles of Dating: Examine biblical guidance for relationships, such as prioritizing God, honesty and openness, respect, sexual purity, and seeking divine guidance.
  6. Addressing Expectations: Encourage individuals to clarify their expectations for dating, considering desired qualities in a partner and deal breakers.
  7. Establishing Boundaries: Emphasize the importance of setting physical and emotional boundaries that align with personal comfort levels.
  8. Conflict Resolution: Discuss strategies for handling conflict in dating relationships, focusing on effective communication and resolution methods.
  9. Spiritual Beliefs: Promote open discussions about spiritual beliefs, including perspectives on God, faith, and involvement in religious communities.
  10. Future Goals: Encourage individuals to align their future goals with potential partners, considering factors like marriage, children, and career aspirations.

Homework Assignments

  1. Reflect on personal expectations for dating, noting desired qualities in a partner and deal breakers.
  2. Establish personal boundaries for dating, considering physical and emotional comfort levels.
  3. Contemplate approaches to conflict resolution in dating relationships, envisioning effective communication and resolution strategies.
  4. Express personal spiritual beliefs, exploring thoughts on God, faith, and involvement in religious communities.
  5. Evaluate future goals, including considerations for marriage, children, and career aspirations.

Last modified: Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 7:03 AM