I believe in he to be the Son of God, of course, like the Bible says, And just watching down on us, helping us through like, being the connector to God. And I truly believe that delivers messages through other people's can manifest some of his ideas and some of his values through other people. And I don't know about the whole Angel thing on earth, but I know that like him delivering messages to other people on Earth, and then spreading that around the world is, I think his way of broadening Christianity.

Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot. These are names of men who have committed terrible are trust. However, none of these names been banned in public life. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said, for the name of Jesus. There are many instances in our culture, where the name of Jesus is considered contraband, a word not to be used. 

This week, we're going to look at the dynamics surrounding that issue. Why is this name so offensive? And how is it that we can represent our Lord Jesus Christ in such a way that his name becomes as sweet to others, as it is to us? The name that has begun to be treated as though we're contraband. The name that valedictorians are told they can't use in their speeches. The name that students are told that they can't write papers about the name that individuals on the jobs are forbidden to speak. The name that is no longer allowed on T shirts, the name that has brought so much controversy, because it is said that it brings so much offense. Other names are fine. We can use the name of Gandhi, we can use the name of Buddha, Muhammad, are countless other names. 

However, the name of Jesus is separate, is apart in this issue. But does that not sound eerily familiar? Does it not sound exactly like what Peter and John spirit when they stood before the Sanhedrin they were not told to stop practicing. They were not told to stop meeting for prayer. They were not told to stop healing, or even to stop preaching. They were merely told to stop using that name. And it's that same name, that has brought reproach in the culture in which we live. If the name is always essential, that name that is above every name, that name at which every knee will bow. And heaven and on earth and under the ear and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. That name brought defense and reproach in a pre Christian culture. Why should we be surprised that it brings the same offense and reproach in a post Christian culture?

If you talked about the fact that it's got to be our commitment to Jesus, it got to be the real Jesus. 


What do you mean by that?

Well, what I mean by that is if we if we trust in the name Jesus, but pour into the name Jesus, and identity other than the biblical Jesus, then we've not trusted in what is required for us to be saved. For example, you know, you walk out into a parking lot, and you have your keys in your hand. And your vehicle is a white, four door, sedan, you know, but whatever you pick the make, and you know, you know what your car is and you got your keys in your hand and you walk out, can't necessarily remember where you parked but you know, you're looking for a white four door sedan. Well, if you walk up to the wrong white four door sedan. 

Your key is not going to work. Is it a white four door sedan? Yes. Is it your car? No. And that's where a lot of people are. When it comes to Jesus. Do you believe that name? Jesus? Yes. You believe in this person from the first century? Yes. Do you believe that he was God? Who revealed himself and came in the flesh? Well, No. Do you believe that he worked miracles? Well, No. Do you believe that he died for sin rose again? On the third day? Well, No. But if you don't believe these things, you're standing at the wrong white four door sedan, and your key won't help you. So the question is not who is Jesus to me? 

The question is, who is Jesus period? And in order to examine that question, and the significance of this issue, open your Bibles with me to the New Testament book of 1 Corinthians 15.  Look what he says, beginning of verse three, for as delivered to you as first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins, according to the scripture. So the first thing Christ died for our sins, according to the scripture, here's the essence of the message. The essence of the message is Christ came into this world, God wrapped himself in flesh, the purpose being to die for our sins on the cross. And I know people ask all the time that wait a minute, I just don't get that dress that I was just gonna die all those years ago. And it has something to do with paying for my sin. 

You know, what, can you just take an imaginary journey with me? And just think about the wealthiest person that you know, let's just talk about some rich people. Now, I mean, just rich. I mean, like filthy stack, nasty, Rich. All right. Now there's a difference. You know, there would be like over here would be people who are rich. And over here, there will be people who are like, filthy rich, and like, way, way over there. Beyond that of the wall. There's people like Bill Gates, filthy spank, nasty, Rich. All right. Trust me, that is the correct theological terminology. And so let's just take him for example. So imagine he walked in here today. And he goes, Man, I just love all you people. That was just beautiful. I just want to see all of you. And he would take out his credit card. Whatever credit card he took out, anybody want to take a guess? On that man's credit card limit? He ain't got one. I didn't say he doesn't have one. That's not strong enough. He ain't got one. He can take his credit card down or whatever restaurant we wanted to eat that and give him that credit card. He could say, Listen, there's some beautiful people out there in Gloria. It just touched me. I just looked at him. It just messed up my whole life. They just touched me. I want to feed them. I want to leave you my credit card number you feed those people. 

So are you sure you want to feed all those people on this one credit card, trust me, it will hurt me, feed all those people on my credit card. Folks, we should go eat all day, every day, the rest of the time we're here and it wouldn't bother him. Why? Because he's got unlimited credit. When Christ died on the cross, he didn't have a credit card with money. He had a credit account of righteousness, and it was on limited righteousness. When you lay down unlimited righteousness. 

It doesn't matter how many people come doesn't matter how long it takes for them to come. 1000 years, 2000 years, however many years it takes. If you have unlimited righteousness that has been laid down, whoever will come to that pool of righteousness can receive forgiveness and salvation. And when Christ died for sin, He died for sin once for all the just for the unjust in order that he might bring us back to God and that is how his death all that time ago, counts for us. Unlimited righteousness. Press that for sin. As you discuss Acts chapter 4, pay close attention to the parallels between Peter and John and their experience in a pre Christian culture, and our experience and a post Christian culture, jot these things down. 

Perhaps there are some other things that you've become aware of over the course of this week. As you've gone through this study. The whole idea here is to open our eyes to what's going on around us to become aware of the battle that is being waged every day. And how it is that we can respond appropriately and speak the truth and love

Última modificación: martes, 16 de mayo de 2023, 07:28