Hi, I'm Henry Reyenga. This mini class is about how to develop a great attitude.  So what do I mean by great attitude? Well, many people talk about positivity. In  fact, some people talk about how to avoid toxic positivity. And this was recently  

on social media, you know, instead of saying you get over it, instead say other  things or don't be negative instead say, It's okay to feel bad sometimes. And,  you know, in there's various ways to talk about toxic positivity. So what is toxic  positivity? It's, it's, it's a preachy positivity, where you're judging someone, if they have a bad or sad attitude, and you have like a bandaid, just be positive. This  class is not about toxic positivity. This class is about how to have a great attitude that will to people feel like you're a positive person, you yourself will feel more  positive. Christianity is not about glossing over the negative, the sad in fact,  Christianity, talks about resurrection, about victory over the saddest truth. That is that Adam and Eve fell into sin. They were punished with death, and  resurrection, the grave is empty is about not just positivity it's victory. Christianity is about overcoming sin. That's our big problem with Adam and Eve. They fell  into sin and chose to go their own way. Christianity is about the gospel of Jesus  Christ died on the cross to save you from your sins and my sins. Now somebody say, well, that's so positive, you're just trying to find a positive answer to sin and  brokenness? No, it's the truth. Christianity is based on the truth of the gospel,  that God has restored you and I into a relationship, a forever relationship, where we are now reunited with Christ, with God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and we  rise again, victory. How can you not have a great attitude that will be interpreted  as a positive attitude? That people will look at you and say, Ah, I love the word  Christian, to be synonymous with uplifting, inspiring, his inspiring attitude. He's  got a Christian attitude. So often, Christians, their attitudes. Their seeing the  negative, has made people wonder in question. That person was a Christian  boy, if that's a Christian, I don't want to be a Christian. Now that even feels a  little preachy. I'm seeking to get to a truth. Do you want to develop a great  attitude? So I was gonna use the topic, great attitude. It can refer to positive, but not preaching. It can refer to uplifting, it can refer to Christian attitude. So in this  study, we're going to look at several topics. We're going to look at how to trust in the Prop providence of God. Matthew 6:26, look at the birds of the air. They do  not sow or reap, or store away in barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they? We're to look at being a person of  perspective. Ecclesiastes 1:14, I've seen all the things that are done under the  sun. All of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind. In some ways I've  seen so many chasing after the wind, but there's some truth some positive truth, some great attitude truth that comes when we think about that everything is  meaningless as then the Ecclesiastical writer, writes and shares of us today.  Lose your life. To be a person of a great attitude is to lose your life. Matthew  16:25, for whoever wants to save his life will lose it but whoever wants to, but  whoever loses his life for me will find it. Forgive wrongs Hebrews 12:15, see to it

that no one misses the grace of God and that no Bitter Root, grows up in causes trouble, to cause trouble and defile many to let go of controlling. Luke 12:22, that Jesus said to His disciples, Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life,  what you will eat or your body what you will wear, Luke 12:25-26. But who of  you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very  little thing? Why do you worry about the rest? Cultivate embracing new  opportunities. Ecclesiastes 11:6, sow your seeds in the morning and an evening. Let not your hands be idle, for you do not know what which will succeed whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. Abandon victim thinking,  Romans 9:19-20. One of you will say to me, then why does God still blame us?  For who resists His will? But who are you oh man to talk back to God? Shall  what is formed say to who? Him who formed it? Why did you make me like this? We're gonna talk about not taking yourself too serious. Don't take yourself too  serious. II Timothy 2:1, you then my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ  Jesus. And finally, we're going to talk about Be a giver, not a taker, Luke 6:38,  give and it will be given to you a good measure, pressed down, shaken together  and running over will be poured into your lap For the measure you use. It will be  measured to you. So I went over those slides quickly, I want to see have you  see an overview? Here's my prayer for you. That as we dive into how to have a  great attitude, the Holy Spirit will put in your heart and will an urgency about  seeing the wonders of it all. The wonder of who God is of what he did for you.  How it changes your life, from one of a blaming to one of gratitude, and how it  changes your action and whether you're not a believer yet, and you want to see  how does Christianity deal with attitude or whether you are a believer, and you  want to take that next step to improve your attitude. Maybe you're an active  Christian or thinking thinking about ministry, how can you develop a great  attitude and that's what this mini courses is about. And I pray that God blesses  you as you contemplate for a little bit. How to have a great attitude. 

Última modificación: viernes, 11 de agosto de 2023, 07:58