We continue our discussion of lifting others up. And last time we talked about,  you're actually getting together, eating together, personally getting together. But  another thing related to that is actually connecting with one another at Bible  studies, and at church programs, Bible studies or fellowship, just to show up  Hebrews 10:25, let us not give up the habit of meeting together as some are in  the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another, all the more as we see the  day approaching, I think in the future with dependency on social media, and we  can live so much of our life by just being online, texting, phone call, is, we are  going to be tempted to stop meeting with one another, and having very thin  relationships, the Church of Jesus Christ set up by Christ Himself, planted by  the apostles in the early leaders. There this breaking of bread they had meeting  together and, and living life together. Yeah, and I do know that technology is  easy. You know, in the pandemic, we were watching church at home and you  know, then for a while there, my wife, Pam and I were doing a worship service.  And then after that was over, we watched a service and, and at some point, it  got comfortable. We were sort of like, oh, this is okay. We love the Lord, we  have each other. We took a nice little walk. And but I noticed that we were not  meeting people. We were not bringing ourselves to lift anybody up, especially  new people, because we were just in our sort of own zone. But to lift somebody  up is to show up, and to not neglect the local church and to fight for the local  church. Just because technology can make everything fast and easy. It doesn't  mean that we just let it go. And that's how it's going to be in the future. At  Christian leaders ministries, we're online so you can be offline, effective in  ministry. So continue to lead, to show up, to bring encouragement to real people  to new people. The habit of meeting together is one of the most precious gifts  that the church has been given in Christ. Jesus Himself is with us, while we just  show up

Modifié le: lundi 21 août 2023, 09:23