Welcome back. We are excited to wrap up this ministrybiz skills class. And we're talking right now about I Timothy 3, the qualifications of office bearers. But they  are exactly the type of qualifications that will help you in your ministry.  Absolutely. So verse 4, he must manage his own family. Well, this is a leader,  this is a deacon or elder, he must manage his own family well, and see that his  children obey him with proper respect. If anyone does not know how to manage  his own family, how can he take care of God's Church? Very interesting. In some ways, the family is itself a ministrybiz. Yes, absolutely. And it's all the things that  it takes to run a successful family are the exact skills necessary budget to run  everything, you know, buy food. In fact, I think I think God gives us the  hormones or whatever to be attracted to the opposite sex. I mean, we're  attracted to someone who's opposite from us. Yeah. And, but, but he uses  biology to make that happen. And now that becomes the the Learning Center for how to get along with anybody, right? If you can get along with the person who's  totally opposite than you, and you can get along with other people in the culture, you have children, you know, your friends, you pick, but your children come and  one is this way. One is that way, and you have to learn how to deal with the  differences and what each one needs. Again, it's a wonderful place to learn how  to manage and deal with people. Yes, so so so management of a business, or a  ministry or a ministrybiz, is all those same principles. And if you're struggling to  manage your own family, then there's just some things you have to learn  anyway, right? It's not like you need to fix your family first, and then you can do  the business. These two are the exact same thing. So it's not like, okay, I guess  I gotta go do this first. No, it's you got to do this anyway, right? You're not going  to succeed in your business, unless you get some of these principles down.  Like, you know, what are the what are the kinds of things that go on in managing a family? What are the sort of the key things? Well, first of all, it's there's human  resources, because you have all these different people have all these different  things. And they all bring gifts, different abilities, same page, if you're picking  where you're gonna go on vacation is a collaboration. So you have to figure out  how to discuss and, and I think you have to have things like discipline in this  sense that our family stands for something. Yeah, family rules. You know, since  there's like, a, there's a job description for every role in the family, and that job  description somebody has to fill, and it might be you or if you do at all, you're  gonna burn out. So there's got to be a delegation. So you learn about  delegating, which becomes great for later on in when you have your ministrybiz  for human resources, there are so many things just go on, you have to learn  how to challenge you have to learn how to encourage, you have to learn how to  discipline, you have to learn how to bring out the best in each person, though  they have different gifts, the abilities, you have to try to help them become all  that they can become as they contribute to the whole system. So on and on, and on it goes. So that's why you know, with church planting, you know, we came to 

the conclusion that all the things you do with your family is actually helping your  church and I think that's true of the ministrybiz as well. If you have a family that  is struggling, you're just going to bring all of that chaos to what you're doing in  your ministrybiz. You know, one tip I learned from someone who I felt really  knew how to manage the family. And that is to actually specifically sit down with  the topic of how do I manage my own family and what resources do I need to do that and how am I doing it and not be too curious doing on that subject and then  find a mentor people that are gonna manage in the family and you will find in a  hurry a mentor can right away say well your issue is you're spending too much  money right now on things that are distractions, you know too much on pop and  that's creating this and you got kids who are like filled with sugar you know,  there's issues in families that that come in there in the nuts and bolts but boy if  you get a curious doing about that, you can get a curious doing about anything,  what I've what I've seen in my ministry especially over the last few years in  terms of young families, is the lack of consistency, right? With like discipline  with, like promising things. You know, parents want to be good friends of their  kids. And, and, and then because they're not consistent, kids act up. And when  the kids act up, there's a lot of yelling, a lot of screaming. And then the kids don't respond to that, because they know, you know, you yell at me, but nothing  happens. And so it's just mass chaos. So getting some of that consistency that if you don't have that consistency in the family, then you're probably not going to  have that same consistency when you're trying to run a coffee shop. Now, what  happens is that you failed, and we failed. We've all failed, and aspects of our  family and they found this truth. Yes. So but we say all this to not say, Well forget it. Right? All we're saying is that the family is the perfect training ground. And  whenever you learn, the family will be extremely helpful in a range of business,  and it will help you get even a better family. That's right. Okay. So verse 6, he  must not be a recent convert, or he may become conceited and fall under the  same judgment as the devil. Now, what does that ministrybiz, Steve? Maybe we  should take that one out. That wasn't maybe just for the minister, career ones?  Yeah. What does that even mean? Now, a couple of things that strike me, is  that, essentially, you know, people need to know who they are in the Lord. I  mean, are they for him? Or are they against him? Right? You know, are they for  serving others with is that their vision? Or is their vision just to make money as  you know, I've seen it in my church, where it's, it's a lot of times a recent convert  is someone who has been struggling with something like an addiction of some  sort, right? And then they come to Christ, and they right away, put that away.  And they right away want to be on stage. And they want to tell everybody, and  they want to preach to everybody, and they want to be a minister, and they want  to do this, you know, and then six months later, they fall off the wagon. Yeah, it's  like, you know, in the moment, they they see themselves as finishing the cross  the finish line of a race, it's like a marathon. And they think they're already at 

mile 26, right. And six months later, they discover that they're just out of the  starting block that, that a changed life is a bit of a process. And in some ways,  we let them put way too much pressure on themselves, and not giving them the  space to really grow in their relationship to Christ. So if it's a new convert, and  they're just growing, and all of a sudden, they're gonna start a ministrybiz it's  like, they have all this stuff going on. And now they're supposed to be doing, you know, eight different things. And using all these different different gifts, when  they don't even know what the gifts are like, there's maybe a season of learning, taking some classes at CLI. You know, that's why you're taking some classes.  Hopefully, you've taken other classes, because you're going to need a whole  educational background to really do well, the ministrybiz because it is a ministry.  Yeah. And the reason we have all these classes in ministry is because they're  needed. I think that angle here too, is to see the devil's, you know, same  judgment as the devil. And I do really think there's a spiritual warfare that many  new believers have, many of you have experienced the moment you started  studying and CLI all of a sudden you're attacked, and a new convert may or may not do well with that, but one who is grounded in one who's like, gone through  some things you withhold. Or you withstand the attacks of the devil in a different  way. Right? Okay, verse 7, he must also have a good reputation with outsiders,  so that he will not fall into disgrace, and into the devil's trap. To me, that is  talking about this whole concept of credibility. Right? We don't probably want to  say very much because we had a whole session on that right. Why do you think  it's the devil's trap? Well, I think the devil with the devil wants to do is basically  get you to self loathe be not credible, be, you know, not making an impact. And I think he sets traps for leaders. Okay. I've seen that with mega pastor. Right. And I've seen that with pastors are not with mega churches. I've seen that trap for  me over the years and by God's grace, I didn't go into that trap, right? Because  you know, 1, 1, 1 thing that happens with success is you start thinking that's  about you. Yeah. And that's what the devil is good at making people think, oh,  you know, you're succeeding at this Miz ministrybiz because you know why? It's  because you're so clever. You're so smart. And, and yeah, other people couldn't  do it, but you can. And all of a sudden, you know, you're set up and you start  believing things. And the next thing, you know, you're falling into things, you're  taking little perks, here and there. And then all of a sudden, it all comes crashing down and the devil is the one laughing all the way to the bank. Okay, I Timothy  3:11. In the same way their wives must be women of worthy respect, and not  malicious talkers, but temperate and trustworthy in everything. So wives or  spouses. So you know, if this was a married couple endeavoring in this  business, you know, some other connected or not, like if I'm going to start a  ministrybiz I'm, you know, let's say I only one thing to say about this, if you  torpedo each other, don't do this, right? I mean, that quality, if you gossip about  each other, and you basically are not on the encouragement, same page, it will 

not work, get that situated and fixed first, if you can't get your spouse on board,  then how are you going to get other people? And that's it? Yeah. All right. I  Timothy 3:12, a deacon must be the husband of but one wife and must manage  his children and household well, those who have served well, again, an  excellent standing in great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus. So again, it's  that same household thing, managing your household, well, but then verse 13,  now Paul, he has a really good wrap up, those who have served well gain an  excellent standing and great assurance through their faith in Christ Jesus.  Really nothing more to say? Well, there you have it, everybody. So this course  really is just sort of an introductory course, in terms of the whole concept of a  ministrybiz. We have several courses now that that talks specifically about  different enterprises like the coffee ministrybiz, or the Bible ministrybiz, or the life coach. And so, so if this course is sort of inspired you, please look at some of  the others and check them out. And new ones will be coming online. Yes. And  this is a blessing and opportunity for you. Yes, I wish you well, Steve, you clubs  in pressure. Lord, it's just amazing that you give us life number one, but then  you give us the keys to the car, you you say, you know, I'm giving I'm blessing  you with gifts and opportunities. And I'm turning you loose that is that I believe in you. I believe that you can make things happen, that you can you can make a  living but you can also at the very same time, be a blessing to the nations. And  so I pray that those listening to these last 12 sessions have been motivated, that they've been inspired to believe in themselves believe that you believe in them,  and that you have a specific ministry and maybe a ministrybiz for each one. And  I pray that you bless them in this endeavor, in Jesus name. Amen. Amen

Last modified: Monday, August 21, 2023, 12:25 PM