Welcome back to the mental health integration short, I am still Brandon  Appelhans and happy to be with you. In the last section we talked about how  mental illnesses, there's any mental illnesses, there's severe mental illnesses.  And these things both impact our ability to kind of react and thrive. In this  section, we're going to talk about how often those things happen, and what that  means for us. So let's go ahead and jump in. Now this data is courtesy of  SAMHSA. All of these percentages are based on the United States. And this one specifically, this is the 2019 data. So this is pre pandemic. So all of these  numbers are not affected by COVID 19. This has nothing to do with the anxiety  rates or anything like that that happened after COVID. It is all pre, which, if we  wanted a good measuring stick, that's a pretty good measuring stick to get. This  is the National Institute of Mental Health annual rate of mental illness. So these  are when we talked about severe mental illness. And we talked about any  mental illness. This is the rate force for any mental illness. And this is the rate for the United States broken up by both gender, age, and race. So first off, you'll  notice that the overall rate for any mental illness is about 20.6%. Which is fairly  high. One in five people about in the United States will suffer a mental illness.  And this is in any given year. These are not lifetime rates. This is just any given  year, the lifetime rate for people who will suffer with a mental illness. Last I  checked his 50.3%. So it's actually above half, but just barely. Next, you'll notice  that females are much more likely than males to actually have a mental health  condition. About 50% More likely, there have been studies done out of Stanford  that have shown when you take workaholism and some other symptoms into  effect, the effect males often that sometimes those numbers can even out  because they're actually much closer than we give them credit for. Next, you'll  notice with age, you'll notice that mental health issues are more common in  younger people, and then they dwindle off later. Some of this is because anxiety  rates are so high. There's been some other studies about various inputs that  have changed this, like technology specifically. Since I started doing this work,  rates of mental health issues have always been higher for younger people than  they were for older people. But it seems like the rates for younger people have  been going up at a very accelerated rate. You can also see that by race, race  and ethnicity, there are huge disparities in how many how often people are  diagnosed with mental illnesses among certain races. Often mental illnesses are viewed as a white person's problem. You can see from the chart that amongst  single race people, white people have the highest rate of mental illnesses. But  you will also notice that the rates are significant. And those gaps have closed  significantly with other races and whites. And you'll see that there's other spaces where they're even higher, right? On the right side of the graph is people with  two or more races, and their rate of mental illness is one and a half times what it is for whites, which that's just amazing that there's that much of a disparity. The  differences between a lot of these may be stigma. It may be because people are

afraid of getting diagnosed. It could also be the situation that they're in lends to a different space. But what you should know is the rates for mental illness don't  actually reflect the rates for suicide, specifically, suicide is, the white people  have a slightly higher rate of depression and anxiety and mental illness. They  have significantly higher rates of suicide, more than double most other  populations. And especially white men, women have more mental illnesses than  men and men commit suicide at a rate of almost four to one to how many  women do so. There are some major breakdowns in some of the numbers Last,  you'll note that American Indians and Alaskan Natives are at 18.7%. And they  are the second highest single race or ethnicity group and these graphs. Next,  we're talking about who received mental health services in the last 12 months.  These are people with mental illnesses, this isn't the general population. And  this is again, the 2019 numbers, according to SAMHSA. You see right here that  about 45% of people with mental health issues last year received treatment.  That is a really low number, okay, that's still less than half. And then we see  many populations receiving even fewer services than that. Some of this is  because of stigma, some of it is because of the access to services. But these  numbers are so low. The rates for severe mental illnesses are higher, but it's still so low female professionals about mental health issues more than males. And  you also see that the rates where people see someone about their mental health actually goes up as the age. So the rates of mental illness were higher in people who were younger, but the rates of people getting treatment are higher as you  get older. We also see that the rate of people who get treatment is much higher  with whites than in any other segment, including those of two or more races.  And in cases of liking Asian Americans, it's more than double. So we see that,  even if mental illness is construed sometimes as a white person's problem,  maybe that's also because white people were getting the most treatment for  whatever reason that treatment is most available, if it's because of stigma, or if  it's because of access to health care and access to insurance and things like  that. Next I want to show you this is the prevalence of severe mental illness. We  talked about AMIs and SMIs as any mental illness and severe mental illness.  This is the rate of severe mental illness. Overall, this is about 5.2% of the  population. That means that about one in four people who have a mental illness  have a severe mental illness. And we see the rates for females is about six and  a half versus 4%. In males, we see the rates incredibly high for 18 through 25  year olds compared to 50 plus. And we also see how these variations by race  happen again, with whites being fairly high, but actually being exceeded by  Native Americans and Native Alaskans. Finally, in the case of people with two or  more races, these numbers are staggeringly high, with them being almost  double what they are for whites, and double the national average, at 9.3%. If, for whatever reason, there is so much more mental illness that happens in that  space and gets diagnosed. Finally, with serious mental illness, we see that 

treatment is much more likely to happen with people with severe mental illness  than it is with people with any mental illness. With any mental illness, it was less  than 50% of people got treatment overall, with severe mental illness, it's almost  two thirds 65.5% females still more likely than males to get that treatment. And  we also still see that treatment rise with age, which almost three quarters of  people aged 50 Plus getting treatment for their mental health conditions. And  while we see that there are still disparities in race, those disparities are not as  large as they are in any mental illness. Some mental illnesses are a really big  deal. If you're in a church, and you have 100 people in your church, you can  count on probably 20 of them that with a major with a mental illness last year,  and probably five of them dealt with a serious mental illnesses last year. Those  are staggering when often we don't take into consideration that people around  us are going through horrible things often. So take into consideration what these numbers mean, how they make a difference, and how few people are getting  treatment. And this is in the United States, these numbers worldwide change  wildly. So. Understand that there's a lot of people who need treatment for these  things. And that these mental illnesses are in many cases much more common  than we give them credit for. And I will see you in the next section. 

Последнее изменение: четверг, 9 ноября 2023, 08:14