We're gonna talk about church models for these next three sessions. These  models are very important to consider because what you're going to do is  consider your gifts, your calling your temperament, your situation. And as a  church planter, you want to look for some models that sort of fits you fits your  calling and your situation. So we're going to look at nine church planting models  in the next three presentations. Let's start with the independent pioneer model.  In this model, the church is started in a place not previously evangelized. The  church is started by a planter that does not have institutional support, for  example, a mother church or denomination, once the church is planted, the  pioneer looks for a new place to plant a church. Now, in some ways, when you  say this model of churches start in place now previously evangelize, you know, a lot of ways that applies for so much, because you can plant churches anywhere, even places that, you know, might have heard the gospel or have some  churches. So in some ways, the essence of this model goes to this point, that  you are more independent. You're not connected to a lot of people. Now at  Christian leaders Institute, if you've gone through the Christian leaders diploma,  you can go through ordination, which would be very, very helpful. If there's a  church planter type of ordination for you, and you have some signers for that.  This is very helpful as well. What are the advantages of the independent pioneer model, the pioneer spirit of the planter is contagious, and motivates the group to  face challenges. There's great loyalty to the church planter founder and people  share his enthusiasm as well as his sacrifice. There are many opportunities for  leadership and service. And the Pioneer has a great deal of freedom to make  decisions, because there is no one in authority over him or her. So in a sense,  that's one of the these are some of the advantages of that independent pioneer  model. But there are disadvantages. Because there's no authority over the  church planter. No formal authority no accountability he lacks, he lacks advice  that could help him prevent making mistakes. Often the family relationships of  the church planter may be strained because he ends up working long hours  without external support. Frequently, there's lack of adequate financial  resources, the church planter may become proud and try to maintain control  over the members. And the lack of support for the church planter can result in  discouragement, and eventually his abandoning the church plant. There are  disadvantages to this model but remember the advantages as well many of you  throughout the world, this independent pioneer model makes a lot of sense. But  really be aware of these disadvantages and pray that the Lord gives you cover  and support and an ability to have standing in a community that is hold you  accountable. Here's another church planter model, the mother daughter church  model. This is the most common used method in church planting. A mother  church sends Families and leaders to a new place and provides them with  economic resources and support. It's a very successful model. In the mother  church, or mother daughter church model, there are certain advantages. And 

here here's a they are the members of the initial group starting the church share  the same ministerial philosophy on the mother church. There are enough  resources from the mother church for the daughter church to get started. The  mother church is forced to develop new leaders. The mother church provides  continuous support and supervision of the church planter. They can achieve  more in less time because they have the necessary resources. And the church  plant immediately acquires visibility and stability in the community. There are  certain disadvantages to this model. It takes much time planning, preparation  and sacrifice upfront. It's possible to depend too much on the Mother Church.  The Church plant can try to be too much like the mother church that is a clone  and not develop its own identity and ministry. And it can cause difficulty in the  Mother Church due to the loss of the members who are sent to the daughter  church. You know I'm gonna make a few more comments about the mother  daughter thing you know, this is what I've seen over the last three decades  There are even mother daughter type relationships where in the Mother Church, there are possibly two strong leaders or a strong church planter type that God  raises up. And the church has a group that's has maybe a different worship style in mind, or, or there's a different vision at the mother church. So instead of  having a church split, there can be an unintended pregnancy. That's what  sometimes we talk about in church planting circles that that Mother Church  became pregnant, and the Lord just wanted to have a child. So this is not like a  bad thing. This is a good thing. But they didn't realize that they had that impetus  to basically plant a church because there's two leadership groups, I've also seen it where churches intentionally decide that they're going to plant a daughter  church. And they just feel that urge to do so. I've also seen it where the senior  pastor is has a new vision from the Lord. And that's to plant a daughter church.  I've also seen it that the senior pastor in the in the group will identify a person  who God has anointed with great gifts, and they say you know what, we will help you plant another church. Now, I want to jump back to a couple of  disadvantages that last one here D. It says it can cause difficulty in the Mother  Church due to the loss of members who are sent to the daughter church,  sometimes a mother church plants, a church, but they're really not healthy. And  those loss of leaders really hurt the church. But again, these are some of the  advantages and disadvantages of that model. There's also the colonizing model. And how this model basically works is that a group of people pack up move with  support of the mother church, they move to an entirely different city. And there  are advantages and disadvantages. This group has a high level of commitment  to Christ and the Great Commission, members of the colonizing group offer their homes to get things started. And that's very powerful. I've seen some amazing  church plants that come out of this style of church planting. There are  disadvantages. The number of members at the start is very small, because  basically you come to a very new area, and the physical distance from the 

mother church makes it hard to have adequate supervision of the church plant.  So as we look at these first three models, think about yourself, think about your  situation, where do they fit now we're gonna keep talking their next presentation  

about three more models. And as we go through this model discussion, write  down on a piece of paper and maybe talk to your spouse if you're married about  your particular church planting, calling and dream and where you may fit in one  of these models.

Modifié le: mardi 2 janvier 2024, 08:11