Hi, welcome back to the golden years course, for what we, those of us that are  retired, what can we or should we be doing with the remainder of our life, you're  probably as we've discussed already, more older, I should say, than 55. Maybe  you're as old as I am 70. And you have a gift, you have a talent, you have some  finance, you have time. And a desire, perhaps that the Holy Spirit as putting you  to do something with these golden years, because this is the golden years  course. And we're going to be looking at the last two gates, the last two of seven gates that are needed. And the gates are to like any, anything else to keep either things out, or let certain things in, and were to be gatekeepers, especially those  of us who have lived a life, a full life. And we've been aware, observed  experienced different things. And we have come to learn different things. And  the Holy Spirit hopefully has guided us in a number of things. And it's now our  opportunity to instruct others to make their life their journey easier. So today,  we're going to be looking at moral law and government. Now, if you take the  time to read from Deuteronomy 28, pretty much the whole chapter, you will find  that there is a curse, or a blessing. For a nation, a nation can either be blessed  or cursed. Now when we read the Bible, and hopefully, if you've read it, cover to  cover, like you would any book, you will notice that God uses the Israelites as a  people to pretty much show other people, other nations what they should be  doing. They're supposed to be the light of the world, showing us how we should  live. But but they also show us what we shouldn't be doing. Because the number of times in Scripture we noticed that God punishes the nation of Israel, the the  nation of Israel has had two of its temples destroyed, because of turning their  back on God. So when we read Deuteronomy 28, God tells Moses, what to tell  the people of Israel, what they should be doing as a nation, what they should be  doing to be blessed. And what happens if they don't, they're cursed. So we can  see that throughout scripture that God will punish a nation and he has. So  what's our responsibility? Well, those of us in our golden years we should be we  should be responsible to seek to weak for seeing to it that younger people are  doing those things are observing those things. Now when we take a look at  what's going on, in America today, we see two elements that are going wrong.  Moral Law and the government. Now, when moral law collapses, you can rest  assured that so will government we have moved away from God's laws. What  God considers righteous, what Gods says we should be doing as a people to  what men or I should say wicked men. And women say we should be doing. And the Bible is clear on a number of things that we shouldn't be doing. But we're  seeing that our government is instituting laws that are contrary to what God  teaches what God expects for us. When we make laws that kill babies, even  after they're born, within minutes, claiming it's still an abortion, it's wrong. We  know that God has made a statement that he knew us in the womb. So if he  knows us in the womb, then he doesn't want us dead, from the womb, but born  from the womb. So we have a moral law that says life, Thou shalt not kill. It 

doesn't say, Thou shalt not kill, after a few days of birth. It doesn't say after a few years of life, it says, Thou shalt not kill, period. So we have politicians who are  allowing for babies to be killed in the womb, and even slightly after, which is  wrong. We have now we have boys who claim to be girls, so that they can  participate in girls sports, knowing that they'll easily win, because their physical  anatomy is built differently than a female's body. So biologically, they're not  women. If you have an X and Y chromosomes, you are male, whether you think  you're not. And someone who thinks they're a woman, who has X, Y  chromosomes cannot have a menstrual cycle, and give birth. So if that doesn't  tell you, you're not a woman. I don't know what does. But we have lawmakers  now saying that if a boy thinks he's a girl, he can, he can participate in girl  sports. And we're seeing how easy it is for those boys to win. So that's morally  wrong. And that's a law now, that's not God's law. That's not God's moral law.  That's man's made up law, to allow for wickedness to be treated as common  legal place. Marriage, according to moral law is with a man and a woman, end of story. But we have man made laws now. And those man made laws will affect  our governing the way we govern people and the way we govern people with  human math, moral laws, with human laws, I shouldn't say moral laws with  human laws. We now enter under a curse from God, and we know that God will  punish us because we can read it in the Bible. Any Jewish person should be  able to tell you that Yeah. We went astray and he cast us out of Israel. And now  he's finally bringing us back after 2000 years. We have an obligation to be  righteous citizens. For God, not for man. So we need to protect God's moral  laws. Not man's made up laws. Now that we've established that we need to  protect the gate for moral law and not allow anything that is not of God's law to  pass through that gate. We're supposed to be gatekeepers. Men and women of  Valor, to protect that gate to protect moral God's law, we are to stand up for it,  not lay down. turn our backs say it's okay. None of that. That's one of the  problems. With Christianity. Today we have too many spineless Christians who  are really lukewarm, and are only in name, Christian in name. If you're truly a  Christian, then you have the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will give you strength  and courage to be able to stand fast, have valor, and fight against evil. And it's  all its forms. So we need to be able to protect that gate of moral law. And the  way we do it, is by protecting the gate to government. That's right to protect the  gate of government. Today, we have so many corrupt politicians that are that  take money and bribes from rich people who want to destroy this nation for for  their personal purpose. We have a media that does not support righteousness,  and doesn't support moral law doesn't support the fact that that thou shalt not  bear false witness against thy neighbor applies to them also, that they are to tell  the truth, not create false hoods, in order to promote an agenda. We as a  people, as a Christian as citizens of God, we need to vote those people out and  vote our people in. We need more righteous politicians in Washington DC, when

we see people who earn $174,000 a year as a job, which is pretty good pay. And they're there 30 and 40 years, and then you find out that their net worth is $200  million. Where did they get that money? Why aren't they investigated? The  same people will call for tax returns of politicians that they want to destroy. But  they don't show their's a former president making $200,000 a year gives himself  a raise, turn around, we find out that he has $400 million in an offshore account.  Now, how did he get that $400 million? Was that part of that cash deal? Of a  billion dollars that went to Iran or Iraq and the kickback was 400 million. Was  that possible? We have the FBI, the CIA, the Secret Service, the DOJ more  corrupt than the mafia. It's ridiculous. We need honest government. And the way to do that is to put respectful, righteous Christians in those jobs. Now, America  has 16 million Christians on paper. They should all be voting for honest  politicians, for righteous politicians with a Christian agenda not a party that  wants to create human law. We want a party that stands up to and for the  Constitution that was built on God's law. We need to put people in those jobs at  the very local level, and work our way up to the presidency. And that's where our finances come in. We need to use our finances, we need to use our wisdom, we  in our discernment. And as seniors, us with the golden years, it's our  responsibility to be able to pass down this information, this legacy to younger  people, so that they're able to do the same thing. So that they're can they can  pass it the same legacy down to their children and grandchildren. That's what  we should be doing. Putting, right people, righteous people, in places of  government, that means we need to run for those offices, we need to support  those who run for those offices, so we can continue to uphold God's laws. So  you see all the seven gates that we're supposed to be protecting, and only  allowing God's will to enter the gate. Only what God wants is to enter those  gates. Our job is to be the guardsman, the gatekeeper, the sentry standing at  the gate, to protect this, to protect it, and the Holy Spirit will give us the courage  to do so. That's what we are to do. And when you read Deuteronomy 28, the  whole entire chapter, you will see, it's about being either a righteous nation, or  wicked one. Now, I don't know about you, but I want to be a part of a righteous  nation. I want to be part of a nation that God sees righteous, that God says,  Yeah, look, there's my people, they're doing the right thing. I'm gonna bless  them. I don't want to be part of a nation that God says, look how wicked, wicked  those people are. I have to do something. And maybe I'll just wipe them all out.  What is it that you want? I would hope you would want a righteous nation, I  would hope that in your senior years in your golden years, that you would want  to pass down that legacy to your children and your children's children, so that  they could do the same. That's what we're called to do in our golden years.  That's why they're golden years because we don't have to work anymore. We  can now do God's work, finally, without any interference about worrying about a  mortgage payment. Or about I got to earn this or I got to do that. thing, that's 

what we need to be doing. And we need to be using our finance, our time and  our talent. Well, maybe we don't have money, but we can sure promote. Spread  the word for for a candidate. We can if we have advertising knowledges and  talent, we can help promote them that way. Pass the word around. Teaching  people what righteous law is like what it is what it's supposed to be. That's what  we're called to do in our golden years. There you go. We've covered all seven  gates. Keep in mind that they interlock with each other. They must work  together. We have to block all those gates. We can't leave one unprotected. The minute you leave one unprotected you open the door. You open the gate to let  the enemy in. You let wickedness in you let evil in you have to guard the seven  gates, it's our responsibility to do so. And as I mentioned already, as seniors, as  members of the golden years group, it's our responsibility to pass down that  knowledge to pass down the gifts the talent, it's our responsibility to see to it that those talents and gifts are developed. It's our responsibility to see to it that  young people learn how to use their money wisely, so that it's not just earned  income from work. But it's also a passive income from investments, real estate  property, knowing how to use the stock market, intellectual property, creating,  writing books, inventing something, we need to be able to show children, our  children, younger people how to do these things, so that they can pass down  that legacy to their children and their grandchildren. That's our responsibility. In  the golden years. We are to be the mentors to coaches. For these young  people, now we've covered a great deal of stuff, meetups, where to go, how to  look for your talent has how to discover your talent. Maybe you already know  what your talent is, pray to the Holy Spirit, as to what he wants you to do with  the talent that he gave you that you have prayed to God through the power  through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. What does the Lord God  want you to do with those talents with those gifts that He gave you with the time  you have left with the money that you have? Pray, pray and pray, ask, ask and  ask. Knock, Knock and the door will be open. The questions will be answered  and God will reveal to you what he wants you to be doing in these golden years, until next time, your homework is to be thinking about these two past gates,  moral law and government and what are you doing about moral law and  government 

最后修改: 2024年02月19日 星期一 07:53