Bible Study: Finding Love and Companionship through Ruth and Naomi

This Bible study explores the relationship between Ruth and Naomi and how their story can guide single individuals working with a Romance Officiant towards godly relationships and overcoming the challenges of singleness. Through their journey, we witness the importance of love, loyalty, and faith in God's provision, even under challenging circumstances.

Introduction to Ruth and Naomi's Story

The Book of Ruth begins with Naomi, her husband, and their two sons moving to Moab due to a famine in Bethlehem. Unfortunately, Naomi's husband and sons die, leaving her with her two Moabite daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth. Facing a bleak future, Naomi returns to Bethlehem and urges her daughters-in-law to stay in Moab. Ruth's famous declaration of loyalty marks the beginning of their journey together back to Bethlehem (Ruth 1:16-17).

Conversation 1: Who Are You and What Does That Mean?

Scripture Reading: Ruth 1:1-22

  • Focus: Ruth's commitment to Naomi, choosing to leave her land and people to support her mother-in-law. She identifies who she is, making all the difference as her life plays out.
  • Discussion: How does Ruth's decision reflect the depth of her love and loyalty? Consider the significance of choosing companionship and support over the easier path of returning to her biological family. Ruth chose a more difficult path at that time. She chose loyalty to Naomi and, most importantly, to the God that Naomi served: "Ruth 1:16 Ruth said, 'Don't entreat me to leave you, and to return from following after you, for where you go, I will go; and where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God;'" This signifies Ruth's commitment not to leave her new faith and family connections for anything, including financial wellbeing. She stays connected and identifies with them. The God of the Bible will be her God.
  • Application: Do you know who you are as you begin the journey of finding romance? Do you understand what it means to be a Christian and how your faith will guide you toward potentially finding love?

Conversation 2: Facing Singleness and Loneliness

Scripture Reading: Ruth 1:12-13; Ruth 2:1-3

  • Focus: Naomi and Ruth's vulnerability as widows in a patriarchal society and their initial steps to find provision through gleaning. Naomi and Ruth have the attitude to make lemonade out of lemons. They were practical and did not consider themselves above gleaning in the fields.
  • Discussion: Naomi and Ruth are proactive. Naomi is honest about her feelings of forsakenness by God, yet she has not forsaken God. Sometimes, people on the romance journey feel lonely and frustrated, and sharing those feelings is welcomed in the Romance Officiant/Client Relationship. How do Ruth and Naomi handle their loneliness and vulnerability? What can we learn from their faith and actions in difficult circumstances?
  • Application: Consider the challenges of singleness or loneliness in your own life. How can faith and community support you in these times? Are you content to remain single if God closes the romance door?

Conversation 3: Guidance and Follow-Through

Scripture Reading: Ruth 2:17-23; Ruth 3:1-5

  • Focus: Naomi's role in guiding Ruth to Boaz and Ruth's willingness to follow Naomi's counsel while respecting the purity conventions of their day. Naomi's advice was sound. In that society, the conventions of "romance" could have kept Ruth from finding Boaz. Today, finding romance is also highly complicated. For instance, many Christian women and men feel pressure to "sleep" or have sex with someone before marriage. Ruth could have positioned herself to "sleep" with Boaz, thinking that sex was the ticket to a possible long-term relationship. Instead, she chose Naomi's guidance to lay at his feet.
  • Discussion: The story shows that having a playbook for finding romance that leads to marriage is a good thing. Having a confidential Romance Officiant can help individuals strategize meetings and other conventions in dating. Important Note: This is not to say that a Romance Officiant controls the client. The Romance Officiant's role is to coach so that clients own their journeys. Developing a playbook for finding romance today can be tricky but very important. Most individuals already function with an 'internal' playbook, whether effective or not. 
  • Application:
  • Often, individuals seeking romance rely on strategies primarily shaped by their peers, which may not prove successful. Do you possess an effective strategy for meeting someone? Could you share your current approach to finding romance with the opposite sex with the Romance Officiant?

Conversation 4: God's Provision and Ruth's Responsibility

Scripture Reading: Ruth 3:6-18; Ruth 4:13-17

  • Focus: This section highlights the culmination of Naomi's guidance and Ruth's dedication, leading to Ruth's marriage to Boaz. It underscores God's provision through their faith and obedience, emphasizing that God has a plan and a purpose for everyone's life and is capable of weaving a beautiful story for each of us.
  • Discussion: Explore the significance of personal responsibility and faith in God's provision as demonstrated by Ruth and Naomi. Consider how this story motivates you to trust God's timing and provision.
  • Application: Reflect on aspects of your life where you must act responsibly while trusting God's plan. How can you emulate Ruth's example in pursuing love and companionship?

Conclusion: Ruth and Naomi's Legacy

The narrative of Ruth and Naomi serves as a powerful testament to the enduring power of love, loyalty, and faith in God. Their transition from grief and solitude to redemption and happiness provides hope and direction for individuals seeking divine companionship. Their story teaches the value of supportive relationships, wise counsel, and reliance on God's provision. This study encourages singles to pursue relationships that honor God, inspired by the wisdom and faith exemplified by Ruth and Naomi.

  • Application: A romance-seeking individual often has a playbook created primarily by peers, but it is not working. Do you have a current playbook for meeting someone? Explain to the Romance Officiant your current theories of meeting the opposite sex for romance.

Conversation 4: God's Provision and Ruth's Responsibility

Scripture Reading: Ruth 3:6-18; Ruth 4:13-17

  • Focus: Ruth's marriage to Boaz is the culmination of Naomi's guidance and Ruth's actions, highlighting God's provision through their faith and obedience. God has a provision and a purpose for everyone's life. God will help you create a story!
  • Discussion: Discuss the role of personal responsibility and faith in God's provision for Ruth and Naomi. How does this story encourage you to trust God's timing and provision?
  • Application: Reflect on areas of your life where you need to take responsible action while also trusting in God's plan. How can you follow Ruth's example in your journey towards love and companionship?

Conclusion: Ruth and Naomi's Legacy

The story of Ruth and Naomi is a powerful testament to the strength of love, loyalty, and faith in God. Their journey from loss and loneliness to redemption and joy offers hope and guidance for single individuals seeking godly companionship. Through their example, we learn the importance of supportive relationships, wise counsel, and trust in God's provision. This study encourages singles to pursue relationships that honor God, guided by wisdom and faith, much like Ruth and Naomi.

Reflection and Prayer

As you conclude each week's study, ask God to guide you in your relationships and provide wisdom and companionship. Reflect on the lessons learned from Ruth and Naomi, and consider practical ways to apply these teachings in your life.


Expectations of Blessing Between the Romance Officiant and the Client 

Inspired by the Book of Ruth, these expectations aim to cultivate a relationship built on mutual respect, support, and guidance between the Romance Officiant and the client. Rooted in the principles of love, loyalty, faith, and wisdom, they guide both parties toward embracing God's design for relationships.

  1. Mutual Respect: Reflecting on Ruth's respect for Naomi's wisdom, clients and officiants should treat one another with dignity and respect, recognizing each other's value. The Romance Officiant will approach interactions without coercion, and the client will listen attentively, taking responsibility for their decisions and behavior.
  2. Open Communication: Following Ruth's example of openness with Naomi, honest and transparent communication is essential, allowing for the sharing of thoughts, feelings, and intentions.
  3. Commitment to the Process: Just as Ruth committed to her journey with Naomi, the client and the officiant should show a steadfast dedication to the guidance process.
  4. Prayerful Support: In keeping with the story's foundation in faith, mutual support through prayer is encouraged, seeking divine guidance and wisdom at every step.
  5. Confidentiality: Both parties must strictly maintain confidentiality, respecting the private nature of Naomi and Ruth's conversations.
  6. Willingness to Learn: Emulating Ruth's readiness to learn from Naomi, clients are encouraged to be open to the officiant's guidance, insights, and experiences. Failure is seen as a stepping stone, with the ultimate goal being to learn and grow.
  7. Patience in the Process: Mirroring Ruth's patience, both parties should exercise patience with each other and the process, trusting in God's timing.
  8. Encouragement and Positivity: From Ruth and Naomi's supportive relationship, encouragement and a positive outlook are vital.
  9. Adherence to Biblical Principles: All interactions and advice should respect and uphold Biblical principles, following Ruth and Naomi's example.
  10. Respect for Boundaries: Acknowledging the importance of personal boundaries, both parties should honor and respect each other's limits and comfort zones.

These "Expectations of Blessing" are set forth to foster a fruitful and blessed partnership, reminiscent of Ruth and Naomi's relationship. They aim to guide the Romance Officiant and the client toward establishing relationships centered around God's teachings.

Остання зміна: вівторок 12 березня 2024 09:27 AM