Henry: Hello, Henry and Steve here. And we're pretty excited about this topic: how to lead a Bible study.

Steve: So, what is a Bible study?

Henry: Good question.

Steve: And a simple answer: any gathering where the Bible is used.

Henry: You know, I want to comment on something. You know, we went to Calvin seminary, honestly, through the four years that I went there to study, we never asked the simple question, what is a Bible study? I think, I think the whole thing was this deep, incredible ministry training Bible study. What is a Bible study?

Steve: In some ways, I think, because, you know, back then, Bible studies were not that big of a deal. Both of us were raised in, in sort of traditional churches, and a lot of our families, extended families went to these churches. And that was true for a lot of the people that went to the church. And so a Bible study or small group was really extended family. After church, we would go to our cousin's house, to my grandma and grandpa's house. And we had, in some ways, a little informal Bible study every week. Right. And so I think a lot of families did that. But then, as life, you know, people moved around, you know, freeways came in, people moved out of the cities, and now one, you know, cousins over here, someone's over there, and then that stopped happening. And so churches found that they weren't connecting, and all of a sudden, they were gonna get small groups going in our church, and we got to have Bible studies. So maybe we missed, you know, the seminary is like, maybe 10,15, 20 years behind.

Henry: Well, we even have Bible study every day, my dad read the Bible Yeah, every day and all of that. So you're probably that's probably why we never really paid attention to it.

Steve: Acts 2:42. They, this is, this is the start of the New Testament Church. Pentecost happens. Peter preaches a sermon, all kinds of people become believers. And this is at the end of that they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching, and to fellowship and the breaking of bread and prayer. And we read there that they did it every day. Yeah, they were like having a Bible study. Every single day.

Henry: it's interesting. I actually looked at the word devoted. It's like devotions. Yeah, actually, there was a pattern, right, you know, a habit of walking. That was part of our walk.

Steve: Okay, well, why study the Bible? You learn, you learn about God, you learn about yourself, you learn about the world. II Timothy 3:16. All scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting training and righteousness, so that the servant of God will be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Henry: You know, something else that recently struck me in life about studying the Bible is it helps you look at all of creation, and interpret God's finger in creation too how he made the world and you see the creation account. And you see the Human Fall and you see the restoration in Jesus Christ, the Old and New Testament, and especially in these times, when we devote ourselves to the Bible, we can start interpreting all of creation and see the finger of God. The fingers of the Lord everywhere, right? So It's so in studying the Bible have implications not for just your personal salvation. It has implications for everything,

Steve: business, everything society, right going on in our culture today. It's all it's all good. All right, you know, I, I majored in psychology, in college, and when I was done, and then I went to seminary, started reading the Bible more, I thought the Bible had more stuff that had everything to do with why people do they do that all the psychology classes.

Henry: And I did philosophy as my major and I thought, Whoa, the Bible is like the core, irresistible self-evidency just you live out the Bible, you see the tree, see the fallen nature of humanity, psychology and philosophy talked about the

goodness of man, and they talked about tabula rasa and all that stuff. But the reality is the Bible is the truth, right?

Steve: It's all right there in the stories, every aspect of it, so it's really awesome. All right, so number two, you connect Deuteronomy 6, these commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts, impress them on your children talk about them when you sit at home, when you walk along the road, when you lie down, when you get up, tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your forehead, write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates. The Word of God is not just informing you of things. It's actually connecting you to people, to your family, friends, helping you in your connection to God. So it's not just about informing.

Henry: So it really threads into everything in every relationship that you have.

Steve: Number three, support

Henry: Philippians 4:8, finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about

Steve: so it supports you it supports your marriage and supports your family. Powerful. Last one challenge. Why study the Bible, it will challenge you.

Henry: Hebrews 4:12, it is a powerful passage. For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double edged sword it penetrates, even dividing souls and spirits, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Steve: And that's I guess what I was talking about when I studied psychology, I was always interested in why people do what they do, right. But when I read started reading the Bible, it not only explained to me why people around me did what they did. But it explained why I did what I did, it was like this sword, like, you know, like a mirror. And all of a sudden you see behind, behind the masks. We spent just like Adam and Eve when they sin they hid from God. We all do that we all put our masks, we all create an image and so on. And when you read the Bible, the Bible has a way of getting behind the scenes, and helping you see what's really going on. And sometimes that leads to confession. Sometimes that leads to just wonder, like, you know, what life is all about?

Henry: You know, I was theologically thinking about this point of, weirdly enough, I mean how sometimes a trained Minister mind thinks about their studies. And it occurred to me, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And then I want to go around in John 1 it talks about that. The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us. And we know the word is Jesus Christ. So when it's just not true, because the words of the Bible are trustworthy, handed down, canonical, infallible all that. But it's true, because very personal, in Christ, Jesus Himself, in a relationship with him when the words of Scripture are studied his voice speaks into our life.

Steve: And I think that because I hear so many times people talk about God and sort of God is out there. He's a higher being, but they don't. They don't do the personal thing, right. But I tell you, if you read the Bible, all of a sudden God becomes personal. And yeah, and it seems to me that if God isn't personal, then we don't even have to deal with him. Right? You don't have to think of him he exists. Why even bother is because he is personal, because you can talk to him because he will talk to you because he does enter into our life. So very powerful. All right, where the next one where to study the Bible? Well, you can do it at home, to do it in church. You do it in your business, right? You can do it in the coffee shop. In other words, you can study the Bible anywhere. There's a group that I know that that has a little Bible study in a restaurant in the bar section of a restaurant where they and they do a bunch of singing and they study the Bible.

Henry: I have a group that I meet with in Florida in summer on line on Zoom. And then I'm in person there during the winter, right. So I think these are exciting times are starting to imagine, right we could do for Bible study right?

Steve: All right, so when to study the Bible before work, lunchtime, Saturday morning, the evening, Sunday. In other words, of course, you can study the Bible at any time of the day. But the important thing is you have to find some place, some schedule. If you just say, Well, I'm going to study the Bible, and we'll see what happens this week. Well, you know, good luck, because generally a week will go by and you haven't done it.

Henry: You're talking about a habit. Yeah, really literally. It's fascinating what you're saying, because Florida habit I had been talking about because of the habit, it had really great attendance. We've gone through the many books, the

Old Testament, the New Testament, but if we didn't have it Thursday morning at 7:15. Where the Zoom link is there and we're meeting in person? I mean, I would say that we probably read a lot.

Steve: And if you missed, you know, someone's gonna say, Henry, where were you last week?

Henry: John really? didn't come today. Are you okay?Right?

Steve: Yeah. But those kinds of things that make all the things in our lives, that we can sort of stick to, you own your own house, and if you're married, you own your house. And because of that, you see your wife and that helps you have a great marriage. It's a structure. Yes. So you have to find some structure, or soon, you won't be doing it. powerful stuff. Alright, with whom do you study the Bible of course your personal read the Word of God for your own personal connection 1 we call it around here. For where two or three are gathered in my name There I am with them. Okay. So when you're doing it in personal How do you get out of this?

Henry: Well, for me, I connected to waking up in the morning. You know, I have my little schedule, Bible,

Steve: connection 2, marriage, if you're married, you know, God is the most significant thing in your life. You're if you're married, your spouse is the most significant relationship with God is most important thing in their life. And then the second most important if you're married, is your spouse. So why not connect those two, yeah, right, like you're both listening to God, and your wife may have her own time with the Lord her own but It's unique when you come together, Hey, what is the Lord been saying to you?

Henry: The next one, section three, and we use the family, their home would have dinnertime and are we there? But now, and then my wife and I would, before we go to bed, share scripture. Now we tend to when we eat together, open the Word. And then we pray at night before we go to bed. But it's different times in life. But there's a structure right?

Steve: Like when the kids are little, you have to put them to bed, you might as well pray with them read the Children's Bible. But soon you're not putting him to bed. Right? So now you have to find another time. A lot of families aren't eating together anymore, because they conflicting schedules. So what are you going to do? Right, you have to find your way. If you want God at the center of your family, then you have to find a way to put him there. Right. And then connection four with friends you're talking about this group that you have in Florida, a group of friends, connection, five church, in some ways, the church service is like a Bible study, it is a Bible study, it's like a big Bible study.

Henry: It has a lot of people. They have singing that they do with it, which part of often listening or talking to God depends on if you're singing to him, you're listening to God, you're singing if you're talking to God, prayers, very interesting.

Steve: Connection Kingdom Kingdom is what God is doing just beyond your church, like What is God doing in the world. So in a way, what you're doing right now is sort of a Kingdom Connection. And so just learning about Bible studies, or let's say, you have an event in your town with all the churches, and in a way, it's like a Bible study with all these churches, or maybe you have a group in your town where you meet with the leaders, and you discuss things and you pray together. Again, it's like having a Bible study outside of your church, and we need that too.

Henry: I also like, about this connection, how this connection is the one that talks about Bible studies, and about the theology of God, it talks about things

like theology is really a kingdom activity where groups of people that did groups of Bible studies connect their learnings. So in the history of the church, the concept of Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit came out of a almost a farm system of Bible studies, right Finally at the major league Council, they decided that God is one God being, three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which really was a kingdom gathering of many Bible studies over many centuries, or two or three centuries to come up with that. And now today that's established doctrine, we believe, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is the Bible, which came out a little complicated Bible to the prophets, right?

Steve: And then all of that is in a course. Let's say you take a course of theology here at Christian leaders, right? You're actually involved in a Bible study. Bible study, not only with let's say, Dr.Feddes, teaches you about theology. You're not just having a Bible study with Dr. Feddes, he's quoting scripture, but he's talking about other thoughts and ideas that other Christians, so it's like a Bible study with centuries. In the Bible, of the kingdom, yeah. And then we have connections seven, which is a Bible study with people who perhaps don't go to church or maybe don't even believe in the Bible, right? Every time you have a discussion with someone, and you throw in things from the Bible, that person is inadvertently having a Bible study with you, right? So, in a sense, evangelism is a Bible study.

Henry: And that also can be the Bible itself, or reading the Bible, or the interpretation of reality. The biblical lens is also bringing the Bible study to people. So it is a powerful, powerful thing.

Steve: So what you will learn in this class, you will learn how to lead and manage a group of Bible study groups. You will learn how to write your own Bible study. Wow, that's pretty good. You will learn how to use prayer effectively. In the Bible study. You will learn how to use food and fellowship. Nothing wrong with food and fellowship. All right, so that's it. So welcome aboard. This is sort of the intro session and then we're gonna get right at it in the next session.

Review the Main Points

  1. Definition and Evolution of Bible Studies: They define a Bible study as any gathering where the Bible is used, reflecting on how historically Bible studies often occurred informally within family gatherings. They note that the rise of small groups in churches was a response to modern lifestyle changes that dispersed families geographically.
  2. Importance of Studying the Bible: They emphasize that Bible study is crucial for learning about God, oneself, and the world. They cite II Timothy 3:16 to highlight that Scripture equips believers for every good work, helping them understand creation and interpret life through a biblical lens.
  3. Personal and Educational Impact: Both speakers reflect on their educational backgrounds, noting how the Bible intersected with their studies in psychology and philosophy, providing profound insights into human nature and morality beyond academic theories.
  4. Practical Applications of Bible Study:
    • Daily Devotion: They discuss the importance of regular engagement with Scripture, likening it to daily devotions.
    • Connecting with Others: Bible study fosters connections with family, friends, and the wider community. It's a medium for discussing biblical commands and teachings in everyday contexts (Deuteronomy 6).
    • Supporting Relationships: They reference Philippians 4:8 to illustrate how the Bible supports personal and familial relationships by promoting virtues.
    • Challenging Believers: Citing Hebrews 4:12, they discuss how the Bible challenges individuals to reflect on their actions and thoughts, providing deep personal insights.
  5. Flexibility in Bible Study Practice: They stress that Bible studies can be conducted anywhere and anytime, adapting to modern lifestyles and technologies, such as online platforms like Zoom.
  6. Integrative Approach to Life: The discussion extends to how Bible study integrates into all aspects of life, from personal faith to societal and cultural engagements, emphasizing that the Bible has relevance in every sphere.
  7. Community and Kingdom Impact: They talk about the wider implications of Bible study for church communities and beyond, linking it to historical theological developments like the doctrine of the Trinity.
  8. Course Objectives: They outline the goals of their Bible study leadership course, including teaching participants how to lead and manage Bible study groups, create their own studies, and effectively use prayer and fellowship in their sessions.



Остання зміна: вівторок 25 червня 2024 10:14 AM