Ministry Communications (3 credits)

Content Professors: Henry Reyenga, Steve Elzinga, Brandon Appelhans and Dr. Bruce Ballast, and 

How are your ministry communication skills? Ministry communication includes interpersonal skills, such as how to communicate with people in our culture and those within Christendom. It also involves being mindful of how ministry differs from the social sciences and how to integrate ministry sciences as you communicate in ministry contexts.

Ministry communication also encompasses your role as a public communicator. Learning how to lead Bible studies and speak or preach at church or community events is very important.

This course is a three-credit ministry communication course designed to enhance your ability to communicate as a Christian, officiant, minister, coaching minister, or chaplain. It draws from materials of some previously recorded high-demand mini-courses and includes new materials, readings, and accountability quizzes.

Course Outcomes:

The Skill of Ministry Interpersonal Communication:

  1. Learn how to relate to general culture without losing a Biblical worldview.
  2. Learn about Critical Grace Theory, an approach for interpreting culture through the eyes of grace.
  3. Learn how to relate to other religious traditions within Christianity.

The Skill of Mental Health Integration in Communication:

  1. Understand the definitions of mental health and mental illness (AMI and SMI), including the professor's personal experience with mental illness.
  2. Apply Biblical insights from Genesis 1, 2, and 3 to concepts of brokenness, humanity, and mental illnesses.
  3. Integrate ministry sciences, faith, and mental health, including modalities of healing such as therapy and medication.
  4. Develop skills of self-care and practice them, incorporating the Biblical concept of capacity and worthiness.
  5. Learn how to support someone with a mental illness.

The Skill of Bible Studies Communication:

  1. Be introduced to the subject of leading a Bible study.
  2. Learn traditional methods of leading a Bible study and how to be successful at it.
  3. Explore various styles of Bible studies, including Attention, Topic, and Planner.
  4. Understand and incorporate the role of accountability in Bible studies.
  5. Implement the role of prayer in Bible studies.
  6. Learn how to manage Bible study groups.
  7. Learn how to create a culture of new Bible studies.

The Skill of Ministry Speaking Communication:


  1. Be introduced to the basics of ministry presenting.
  2. Learn about crafting messages with the audience in mind.
  3. Understand the process of interpreting a text.
  4. Learn how to assemble a message/sermon, focusing on the introduction.
  5. Study different types of messages.
  6. Explore various organizational styles.
  7. Learn how to deliver an effective conclusion.
  8. Be encouraged by how God wants to use you powerfully through your presentations!



  1. View all online lectures and articles for each unit (CLI tracks whether you do this). Since this subject matter is heavy with much extra reading in some sections, CLI will allow a retake on the quizzes with shuffled questions.) 
  2. Take the online quiz for each unit. You will have 60 minutes to answer the questions for each examination. Each quiz covers readings and video lectures for that unit. While taking the quiz, you may use your notes and refer to articles and other materials. Tip: First answer all the questions you know. Then try to look up answers to questions you don't know. When you have entered an answer for every question, submit the quiz for grading before the 60-minute limit.

Grading Scale
A 95-100%   A- 90-94%   B+ 87-89%   B 83-86%   B- 80-82%   C+ 77-79%   C 73-76%   C- 70-72%    D+ 67-69%   D 63-66%   D- 60-62%   F 0-59%

Your average grade for all assignments in the class must be at least 60%. Otherwise, you will fail the class and will receive no course credit.

The lowest of the 12 quizzes will not be counted in your grade. 

You have 180 days to finish the course. Complete all assignments before the final deadline, or you will be automatically unenrolled, and all coursework will be removed. You will have to start over and retake the class to receive credit.

Notes or slides accompany most videos in this course. 

Остання зміна: субота 13 квітня 2024 07:43 AM