I'm Henry Reyenga, president of Christian leaders Institute, and I want to  welcome you to the ministry sciences and communications class. I feel like this  class is something that is needed today, that maybe 10 years ago, it was  needed, but we were we weren't that aware it was needed. But today, a ministry  science approach is more and more important. So what is ministry sciences?  Ministry sciences is a up and coming, new interdisciplinary study that studies  ministry from a study perspective, but it also studies the other disciplines, such  as psychology and sociology, but also how these other disciplines, other  philosophy disciplines, connect to doing ministry. So what is ministry sciences?  Well, first of all, it is the study of ministry, things such as pastoral care, such as  Minister roles, like the efficient role the minister role, specific topics such as  church planting, youth ministry, specific methodologies, such as coaching  ministry, Chaplain ministry, so many topics are under the banner of ministry at  Christian leaders Institute, we have hundreds of classes, and so much of our  curriculum is about the study of ministry. So from the eyes of ministry, then we  start looking at the other disciplines. One discipline is philosophy. So since  philosophy is becoming more and more important today, we're going to look at  philosophy from the eyes of ministry. Now one of those approaches in ministry is the role of the Word of God, the Bible. So the Bible is becomes the lens theology becomes the lens by which we interpret the other philosophies of this world as it  relates to ministry. The example of that right now is queer theory. Queer theory,  and we're going to talk about that, is a philosophic it's a post modern philosophic movement that basically is redefining personhood. Well, from a ministry  standpoint to minister, we have to actually look at the philosophy that's behind  this, what this philosophy seeks to deconstruct, and how the Bible sees the  world differently. In many ways, we have to talk not just in terms of ministry and  do ministry, but we also have to talk in terms of philosophy and how ministry and philosophy Connect. A lot of times, if you don't do that, all you do is just disagree with one another, but you don't get to where the real communication needs to  be, because many people are living sort of in a philosophy, in a non self aware  way, ministry can be done, not self aware of the impact of philosophy. Now,  some of you have said, you know, I didn't like philosophy in school. Understand  that philosophy deals with the theories of reality. These theories of reality, if we  are not self aware about just get lived out, and then ministry connects. And it's  as if we are not connecting and communicating to the very people we are called  to reach so ministry sciences will study philosophy and study it from a Christian  philosophy perspective, and in this course, we're going to talk about that at  Christian leaders Institute, we have a three credit course on Christian  philosophy that You can really dive into it, as well as other philosophy classes.  Ministry sciences also studies other disciplines, like social sciences. If we talk  about life coaching or coaching ministry, we're very much informed by the  discipline in the study of coaching, and how does ministry and coaching 

Connect? If you look at topics like marriage, we have a class on intimacy in  marriage. In this class, this class, we studied what we have learned about  sexual intimacy in general, but through. The eyes of ministry with a philosophy  of Christian philosophy. So to be a minister today is to study ministry, to study  philosophy, to study psychology, sociology. In this class, we're going to have a  section on mental health integration. There's an example of here we are  studying ministry, but we're very much aware of advances that science has  made in mental health. So it's that type of a class that helps you as a minister  figure out how to best serve others as an efficient a minister, a coaching  minister, a chaplain. So get ready, because what is this all about? It is about  communicating. So we call this ministry sciences and communication. Because  first of all, it's about you as a minister, as a leader, Christian leader,  communicating throughout this class. We will talk about mental health  integration. We will also talk about formal communication, like having the Bible  studies or actually putting together a presentation, like a message, a sermon.  Maybe you're doing a wedding or a funeral, and you'd like to even grow in being  a stronger communicator. So this class combines, synthesizes, ministry  sciences, in a way that makes you a more effective Christian leader. So get  ready. I think you're going to enjoy this class. For some of you, you're going to  see material you have not really seen before. Think about things you haven't  thought about before. But I trust that you will grow and you'll even have fun  studying ministry, sciences and communications. And.

Остання зміна: понеділок 17 червня 2024 08:39 AM