Welcome to the Christian Leaders Alliance Minister Credentialing Program! 

A Global Ministers Commission (Click here) oversees this credentialing, led by President Henry Reyenga and Secretary Minister Brian DeCook. 

Christian Leaders Alliance offers licensed and ordained minister credentials for the volunteer, part-time, or full-time minister positions. Here are some of the characteristics including:

  • Ministry Training from Christian Leaders Institute
  • Local or Relational Recommendations that establish more credibility
  • An ecuministry approach that allows you to be credentialed as a minister in the Christian Leaders Alliance and still retain your local church membership or local minister credentials. 
  • A Global Minister Credentials Directory - See Directory

Officiant Roles

  • Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant - Enroll Now
  • Romance Officiant -  Enroll Now
  • Funeral Officiant - Enroll Now
  • Ministry Officiant - Enroll Now
  • Christian Officiant - This role combines all the other roles into one credentialled clergy role. 

Minister roles:

After you complete any of these minister roles, over 30 Specialized Ministry Roles are available for you.  These include specialties like Bible Study Leader, Evangelist, Prayer, Pastoral Care, and many more. 

Registering a soul center that reflects your ministry calling is also welcome after joining the Alliance.