John 3:17, "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.”


Jesus, You told that story once about people who sat around in the marketplace all day doing nothing because they hadn't been hired.  And you took them until the very last hour.  Help me to recognize every day and in every encounter that when I became a Christian You "hired” me to be Your vocal witness.  Fill my heart with what fills Yours.  Somehow light the fire inside of me to share the Good News of forgiveness through You with _________, the apparently unsaved person I know.


Write down--

            One thing we studied together that is most likely going to get you to share    your faith vocally with another person is--

            The biggest threat that will keep these studies from changing any of your      behavior towards _________, the apparently unsaved person you know,          and other unforgiven persons.

            On a scale of one (none) to ten (a lot) rate yourself on--

How much it bothers you that unforgiven people spend eternity apart from God's love.

How much time you actually pray specifically for unforgiven people you know.

In the last year the number of unforgiven persons you have actually witnessed to vocally about God's forgiveness through Jesus.

How honest you and your accountability person will be in discussing your vocal witnessing performance.

How clearly you can picture yourself actually leading someone across the line to forgiveness through Jesus.

Pray: for a heart that is willing to step out of the boat and walk on the water.


Are you willing to continue in each other's lives for another three months, to keep each other active in witnessing vocally?

How do you spell "vocal witness?”


Last modified: Thursday, August 9, 2018, 1:28 PM