Make Your Calling And Church Known

Henry Reyenga

How the Early Church Word Spread

Engaging Story Embodied Reality = Sharing with Others

Acts 13:48   And as the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of God: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.  49 And the word of the Lord was spread abroad throughout all the region. 

Promotional Times

Your Calling

Your Vision

Your Recruitment for Leaders

Your Small Groups

Your Gathering

Your Building

Making Known Your Calling

Your Mentor, and/or Pastor

Your Family

Your Friends

Your Church

Your Acquaintances 

Social Media

Your Prospecting

The Reasons They Will Talk About You

Reason 1 – YOU!

People talk because you’re doing or selling something that they want to talk about. They love your products. They like how you treat them. You’ve done something interesting. It’s about giving them a reason to talk about you. The more interesting you get, the more motivated the talkers are. Your customers aren’t going to love or hate you (or feel indifferent to you) for no reason.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 11). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Reasons They Will Talk About You

Reason 1 – YOU! For those who are there with you!

Giving people something to talk about means being creative with how you present your products, services, and company. The day-to-day existence of your business doesn’t provide a reason to talk. You’ve got to keep putting new topics out there. Even your most die-hard fans need something new to keep them interested on an ongoing basis. Without that extra oomph, you don’t have a conversation.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 12). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Reasons They Will Talk About You

Reason 2: Me —Talking makes me feel good.

We want to look smart - A lot of people get their kicks out of being the expert on their favorite subject. When we tell people about what to buy, we’re showing off what we know. Some people do this really well, and everyone goes to them for advice. We love to talk to these people when we’re making a purchase, and they love to tell us what they think.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 12). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Reasons They Will Talk About You

Reason 2: Me —Talking makes me feel good.

We want to help other people - The desire to look smart is often paired with a higher-level motivation: to help other people. Some people are so passionate about what they know that they want everyone else to enjoy what they are enjoying. It bugs them to see someone buy the wrong brand or get stuck with an inferior product.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 13). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Reasons They Will Talk About You

Reason 2: Me —Talking makes me feel good.

We want to feel important - Some people talk because they like being asked. They get a kick out of being the expert. The more people ask for their advice, the more important they feel. It feels good to be an authority figure.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 13). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Reasons They Will Talk About You

Reason 3: Us —We feel connected to the group.

We are emotionally rewarded when we share excitement with a group that has a common interest. We share a bond with people who like the same teams or bands that we do, and we feel a similar connection with those who like the same cars or clothes. The passion generated by being in a group of enthusiasts translates very easily into word of mouth.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 14). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

How To Stop Word Of Mouth?

Prizes and Rewards -Mixing love and money is usually a bad idea. Offering customers incentives to spread the word about your stuff is often a mistake. Here’s why: You make them feel dirty if they’re paid for it. Some things just shouldn’t be for sale—friendship, certain kinds of favors, and your recommendation. 

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (pp. 14-15). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

Prizes and Rewards -Mixing love and money is usually a bad idea.  

People are engaging in word of mouth because they love you or it makes them feel good. When you offer a monetary reward (or discounts, points, or miles) for a referral, you make it awkward and creepy. Just at the moment someone is about to recommend you, they think, “If my friend finds out I’m being paid for this, they’re not going to trust me. I’d better not say anything.”

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 15). PressBox. Kindle Edition.

How To Stop Word Of Mouth?

Overexposure: when you understand why people talk, one more lesson is clear: 

Overexposure kills word of mouth. When everyone knows about something, no one needs to talk about it. Nothing could be dorkier than saying, “Hey, have you heard about Star Wars?” Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 16). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

How To Stop Word Of Mouth?

Forgetting Why People Talk About You

Then the company tried to make Krispy Kreme as common as Dunkin’ Donuts. What built the chain’s great word of mouth—the fact that the doughnuts were hard to get, fresh, and in limited supply—disappeared when Krispy Kreme put its pastries, cold and stiff, on every store shelf. This sudden and massive overexposure killed what was special—in other words, what was buzzworthy or remarkable. Nobody tells their friends about food you can buy in a gas station.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 16). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Five Ts Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Talkers: Who will tell their friends about you?

 Topics: What will they talk about? 

Tools: How can you help the message travel? 

Taking Part: How should you join the conversation? 

Tracking: What are people saying about you?

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 17). PressBox. Kindle Edition.  

The Five Ts Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Talkers: Who will tell their friends about you?

Talkers are any group of people who have the enthusiasm and connections to relay your message. Sometimes they are called “influencers” or “evangelists”—but don’t let these terms make it sound as though you need some exotic system to find them.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 17). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Five Ts Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Talkers: Who will tell their friends about you?

Sometimes they are new customers bubbling with enthusiasm; sometimes they are rabid fans who volunteer to spread your message. They may be part of a formal word of mouth program, or they may be bloggers who happen to cover your topic.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 18). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Five Ts Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Topics: What will they talk about? 

All word of mouth starts with creating a message that will spread. It doesn’t need to be fancy. Good topics are portable, clear ideas that one person can repeat successfully.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 18). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Five Ts Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Tools: How can you help the message travel? 

If you run a store or restaurant, don’t let someone walk out the door without something to give to a friend, like a menu or a coupon. Kiehl’s cosmetics stores are famous for their free samples. It’s impossible to leave without a pocket full of goodies. And they always give you more than one, so you have something to share with a friend.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 20). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Five Ts Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Taking Part – How should you join the conversation?

Once you open the door to word of mouth conversations, there’s no way to shut it again. When you reach out to real people and encourage them to start talking about your brand, they expect you to participate.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 20). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Five Ts Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Taking Part – Join the conversation

Yes, it can be scary, especially at first. You’ll get negative feedback, you’ll even get crackpots, and you’ll need to assign staff to listen to and learn from the conversation. At the same time, however, you’ll be earning the respect and recommendations of your customers and building powerful long-term relationships.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 21). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

The Five Ts Of Word Of Mouth Marketing

Tracking: What are people saying about you?

Amazing tools have been developed that enable us to understand how word of mouth conversations travel and to follow what consumers are saying about us. Tracking what is being said about you and your company is now a whole lot easier.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 21). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

Word Of Mouth Cannot Be Faked

Word of mouth marketing can only succeed when people trust each other to talk honestly about what they like and don’t like. You cannot fake word of mouth. It just doesn’t work without the trust. You might be able to fool a few people for a little while. But in the end, people will figure out that you faked it. Then you get embarrassed, you make enemies, and you lose sales.

Sernovitz, Andy (2012-04-26). Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking (p. 23). PressBox. Kindle Edition. 

Last modified: Friday, August 10, 2018, 2:01 PM