Elements of worship (beyond music)
The place of prayer in the Worship Service
Steve Elzinga

This session is about the place of prayer in the Worship Service.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV) Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

Where in the Service does prayer fit?
Before sermon
Before and/or after offering
Anywhere during the singing

How can prayer be expressed?

Who prays?
Worship Leader
Church Leaders
Gifted prayer people

Some challenges to prayer in a Church Service:
Eyes closed
No story
No logical, problem solving sequence

Some ways to meet the challenges to prayer in a Church Service:
Keep prayer short
Stay one topic at a time
Representative prayer

Some pitfalls to avoid:
Preaching in the prayer
Gossip in the prayer
Too showy in the prayer

Purpose of prayer in the Worship Service:
Communicate to God
Culmination of all the prayers of all the members throughout the week
Example to inspire each member to pray in their own lives

Prayer formats to follow:

Adoration: We praise you, God, for …
Confession: We are sorry for …
Thanksgiving: We thank you, God, for …
Supplication: We ask you, God, for …

Purpose of A.C.T.S. prayer in the Worship Service:
Communicate to God
Culmination of all the prayers of all the members throughout the week
Example to inspire each member to pray in their own lives

Prayer formats to follow:
Lords Prayer

“Our Father who art in Heaven. Hallowed be Thy Name  …” Praise items
“Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” Our desire to have God take control
“Give us this day our daily bread.” Prayer for our needs
“And forgive us our debts and we forgive our debtors.” Confession items
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." Prayers of protection and safety
“For Thine is the kingdom, and the glory, and the power forever, Amen.” End with praise

Purpose of the Lord’s Prayer in the Worship Service:
Communicate to God
Culmination of all the prayers of all the members throughout the week
Example to inspire each member to pray in their own lives

Prayer formats to follow
7 Connections:

Purpose of 7 Connections prayer in the Worship Service:
Communicate to God
Culmination of all the prayers of all the members throughout the week
Example to inspire each member to pray in their own lives

Last modified: Friday, August 10, 2018, 10:26 AM