Below is a list of major events in the Bible, with an approximate date for each. The dates for early human history (prior to Abraham) reflect the viewpoint of young earth creationism.

Before 4000 BC — Creation of the world

2344 BC (?) — Noah and the Flood

2197 BC — Tower of Babel

2166 BC — Call of Abram

2141 BC — Birth of Isaac

1898 BC Joseph sold into Egypt

1446 BC — Israel’s exodus from Egypt

1406 BC — Israel’s entrance to the Promised Land

1350-1051 BC — Time of the Judges

1051 BC —Saul becomes Israel’s first king

1011–971 BC — Reign of King David

959 BC — Solomon’s temple completed

931 BC — Kingdom split in two

875–797 BC — Ministries of Elijah and Elisha in Israel

760 BC (?)— Jonah preaches in Nineveh

739–686 BC — Ministry of Isaiah in Judah

722 BC — Fall of the northern kingdom to Assyria

605 BC —Daniel and others taken to Babylon

586 BC — The fall of the southern kingdom to Babylon

539 BC — Belshazzar’s feast; Persia conquers Babylon

538 BC — Persian King Cyrus calls Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple

515 BC — Second temple finished

474 BC — Queen Esther foils Haman’s plot to destroy all Jews

458 BC — Priest Ezra arrives in Jerusalem

445 BC — Governor Nehemiah arrives and rebuilds walls of Jerusalem

331 BC — Alexander the Great conquers Persia and other nations

165 BC — Judas Maccabeus defeats Antiochus and rededicates temple (prophesied by Daniel)

63 BC — Judea becomes subject to Rome

44 BC — Assassination of Julius Caesar

5 BC — Birth of Jesus Christ

AD 26–30 — Christ’s ministry, death and resurrection

AD 34 — Conversion of Saul of Tarsus

AD 44–47 — Paul’s first missionary journey

AD 49 — Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)

AD 60 — The imprisonment of Paul in Rome

AD 70  — Romans destroy Jerusalem temple

AD 95 — John writes Revelation

Last modified: Thursday, June 22, 2023, 7:16 PM