Share Your Story! We regularly feature stories from Christian Wedding Officiants on our website to connect with those seeking free training and licensed clergy options.

When you share your story, please make sure to include:

  1. How obtaining a Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant credential will benefit you and/or your ministry.
  2. An explanation of your motivation for pursuing the licensed Christian Wedding Officiant certification.
  3. The spiritual journey that has led you to this calling to serve others.
  4. Does this program inspire you to pursue further training with Christian Leaders? If so, what specific areas of interest do you have?
  5. How has this free training and the Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant course shaped your journey?

After sharing your story, please upload a high-quality photo of yourself. If privacy is a concern, feel free to use a secure screen name and refrain from uploading a photo.

***Please note this assignment, "share your story, optional,"  does not complete your student profile. You will still need to go into your CLI student account and add your student ID photo and your basic spiritual journey.

Here is a tutorial on how to update your CLI student profile if you are unsure: 
Watch Video

Остання зміна: неділя 7 січня 2024 06:55 AM