Mission Multipliers Profile: Personal Salvation Story and Calling to Study at Christian Leaders and become a Mission Multiplier

Name: [Mission Multiplier's Name]


  • Begin by introducing yourself and sharing a brief overview of your personal journey, including your salvation story and calling to study at Christian Leaders.

Salvation Story:

  • Describe your personal salvation story, detailing how you came to know Christ and experience personal salvation.
  • Share the circumstances, events, or encounters that led to your decision to follow Jesus and the transformative impact it had on your life.

Connection to Christian Leaders:

  • Explain why you chose Christian Leaders as the platform for your ministry training.
  • Discuss how the free and excellent training offered by Christian Leaders resonated with your own journey of faith and growth.
  • Emphasize the significance of receiving training that aligns with your beliefs and values.

Strategic Calling:

  • Share your strategic calling to promote the multiplication of difference makers in spreading the gospel.
  • Explain how your study at Christian Leaders Institute supports this calling by equipping you with the necessary knowledge, skills, and resources to make a lasting impact.
  • Highlight the importance of empowering others to fulfill their own calling and the ripple effect it can have in transforming lives and communities.

Impact and Growth:

  • Reflect on the impact that studying at Christian Leaders has had on your personal growth, ministry effectiveness, and leadership development.
  • Share specific examples of how the training has enriched your understanding of scripture, enhanced your ability to serve, and empowered you to make a difference.
  • Express gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that have shaped your journey as a Mission Multiplier.


  • Wrap up your profile by summarizing your personal salvation story, the connection to Christian Leaders, and your strategic calling as a Mission Multiplier.
  • Express your commitment to promoting Christian Leaders and the importance of supporting the training of difference-makers.
  • Conclude with a heartfelt invitation for others to join you in this transformative mission.

By sharing your personal salvation story and calling to study at Christian Leaders, you provide insight into your own journey of faith and how it aligns with the mission of Christian Leaders Institute. Your profile will help others understand why you are passionate about promoting Christian Leaders and inspire them to support the training of future difference-makers.

Last modified: Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 6:38 AM