So we're back on developing a great attitude. So we've talked about many  spiritual things in this short mini course. But we also let's talk about some of  those things by which you engage, and how to maintain a positive attitude. I  know for me when I am in that center and leaning into who God has made me to be, and I am doing those things, I am positive. This morning, for instance, I  couldn't wait for morning. So at five o'clock, when I got up, and I couldn't wait to  even do this taping, because it's so fun and enjoyable, and, and this is my life.  And this is my calling. So today we're going to talk about that as what are those  ways in which you can cultivate embracing new opportunities? I love  Ecclesiastes 11:6, sow your seed in the morning was a great perspective  passage again, and in evening let not your hands be idle for you do not know  which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. I  remember when I was a boy, a mentor in my church named John. And he was  already thirty years older than me, went Hey, Henry, what are you doing? And I  go, Hey, Danny, any ideas? and you say to them, and I, you know, first I didn't  know what to say, and well, you know, I think, you know, that's a really good  idea. That's a great idea. You know, someday maybe we got to go do that  together. And we've never done anything and he's now with the Lord in glory.  But I just always appreciated that, cultivating of new ideas. And, and I think  those of us who are older, when we are around younger people to be like John  was to me, just, hey, any new ideas, any new thoughts, new concepts. And one  thing John did not do, John did not like knock this down, or that down. He's like,  Oh, that is some blue sky thinking that's great. Those like amazing into cultivate, that kind of an attitude brings a positive, great, wonderful attitude. So let's talk  about that pastors sow your seeds. So I Peter 4:10. Each one should use  whatever gift he has received, to serve others faithfully administrating God's  grace in its various forms. To serve others at Christian leaders Alliance, we talk  about clergy as deacons, diakonos, servants. And you know, at that core, if  you're running a business, you are a servant. Jesus said, If you want to be great you are to be the least you are a servant of the customer, you are servant of the  team members that are on team with you that into so as servants is to then  actually use the gift that God has given you and the gifts that God has given  you, to glorify him to serve each other. You know, capitalism says that you do  something for monetary gain. And that's the most best, or that's the best  organizing way of society. Communism says, you know, everybody's got to get  their due irregardless of their gifts, everybody's a cog in a certain wheel. And  there has to be equality. But it doesn't take into account the beautiful gifts that  God has given to humanity. And so people get frustrated, they called to get the  golden handcuffs and golden handcuffs where they're stuck in a situation. So  But Christianity says, each of you are an image bearer of God, and sow your  seeds in the gifts that God has given you. Do not monetize yourself in any way.  stay busy. Proverbs 22:29. Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve 

the before Kings. He will not serve before obscure men I think that's an  interesting passage that as you find your gifts your attitude changes, but so  does people's attitude towards you. People see you differently. Again, not  monetizing yourself, but not just doing something for money or power or control,  just treat it as an image bearer of God. So sow your seeds, use your gifts, stay  busy. Focus on the seeds that grow. Proverbs 12:11, he who works his land will  have abundant food, but he who chases fantasies, lacks judgment. I know for  me, as I've looked over developing Christian leaders, ministries, the Institute, the college, the alliance and everything we've done, we have to always look at  what's growing and seeing what is the Lord blessing. Again, not from a monetary perspective alone, but from that fullness of being a servant of God and  impacting the world and influencing others for Jesus Christ. Each of you and  me, we have our situation, and work hard. One thing that's really frustrating that  hurts in the attitude of good attitude is when you work in something, and it's  going nowhere. And what I asked the Lord for myself is, Lord, give me always a  teachable attitude. If this is not blessed by you have helped me pull the plug on  that idea. And what did I learn from that idea to move into another idea of  something that will bring blessing to others blessings to my family blessings to  the world, as we reach others for Jesus Christ. Don't allow me I pray, don't allow  me to go down a trail that's not in your blessing. Because I'm stubborn, I know,  my idea is such a good idea. And everybody should like a good idea. Instead,  have an idea. Like, Lord, I just want to have that curiosity to sow seeds and to  see what you are doing, Lord. Learn lessons from the ones that do not grow. We have much to say about this. But it's hard to explain because you are slow to  learn. We have much to say about this. Really, I've just talked about that grow in  the joy of learning. Sow your seed, utilize the gifts that God has given you. Be a  person who leans into accepting who you are, as an image bearer of God in the  gifts that God has given you. You know, the fact is, is we don't always embrace  creativity, and to have a great attitude. There is something about the  empowerment of creativity and not taking yourself so serious, which we're going  to talk about in another presentation in that creativity. So there's like a  playfulness, about how you live life. That cultivates a great attitude. So my  challenge for you is to look at some of your dreams. Maybe it's in ministry,  maybe it says volunteer, maybe it's dreams about a career change or something like that. It look at that. And I know you're responsible in your situation, and I  know not everything can happen right now. But cultivate that. Cultivate a sowing  your seeds, cultivate leaning into your gifts. This will make a difference and  having a great and positive attitude.

Остання зміна: середа 16 серпня 2023 07:35 AM