I want to welcome you to the church planting class. My name is Henry Reyenga. And I'm going to lead you through this class, we are going to look at material  from the multiplication network. That's going to be some of the basic training,  you're going to get material from there. And I'll present that we're going to look at various books. This book that we're going to talk about today is this Crumbly  book, Church Planting 101, we're going to talk about issues about church  planting that maybe you've never thought of. Now, I know some here may not be planting a church, and that's okay. And if you're not planting a church, you're  taking this class, what I want you to do through this whole class is imagine that  you might be so as you're, if I'm talking to you, I'm talking to you, as you're  thinking about church planting are your motives. Dude, never be offended when  you say, Well, I'm not going to plant a church, I'm going to make it to the you, the second person singular, so that we can just sort of connect with the material.  And even if you're not going to plant a church, sort of pretend you are now if you are going to plant a church, take all of these words very seriously. You know,  when you're thinking about planting a church and going through the materials,  whether it's books we go through in this class, or whether it's the multiplication  network material from John Wagenveld's organization really got to think about  your motives. Dennis, Douglas Crumbly writes to the potential church planter,  please take time to seriously examine your motives before launching a new  church. I promise that if your motives are not fully correct, you will be added to  the 32% failure rate within a short time. So what are these key motives? Now,  for me? If I think about why did I plant four churches and replant a church? Why  did I do that, for me is that calling of God centered around my walk with God in  my devotional life 20, 30, almost 30 years ago, that is in Romans 15:20, it has  always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known. So  I would not be building on someone else's foundation. Now, the point being is  the foundation's the other churches in the area are wonderful. Leave the other  churches and let them do their work. But for me, I am called to go out on the  frontier to reach more people in my village and community. Now, here's some  motives that are not a calling from God. If you believe it will feed my ego, and  help me be promoted quickly in ministry. But the reality is, is it may take years  for your church to even reach 100 in attendance. If your ego is the main factor  you have, you will bail out as soon as it gets tough and all the accolades begin  to quiet down. I remember early church planting things were very hard. It did not look successful at all. But the calling was too strong for the results good or bad. I knew God wanted me to do this. Here's another one. Do not plant a church if  you believe no one in my town is reaching the hurting. The reality is that most of  the time, this is simply not true. I challenge you to stop assuming that no one is  doing anything and find someone who is and help them succeed. Let's not have  a chip on our shoulder against God's work. God's mission is God's mission and  God is going to work he is working. He's almighty and all powerful. Here's 

another one. The church I am currently attending does not allow me to use my  gifting that may be true for you. Sometimes you may feel that way. But as  Dennis Crumbly writes, the reality is that most churches are still not fluent in  assimilation of the saints. In other words, these churches aren't good at  identifying the use of gifts. This has been an ongoing problem but does not  mean you are not needed. I challenge you to sit down with a leadership and  discuss this before you decide to leave and launch your own church. Here's  another motive. I am wanting a place to preach. Well, if that's your main motive  for planting the church and you're not getting an opportunity now, the reality of  pastoring and planting is that preaching will only be about 5% of what you do. If  you're going to be successful at it another words the church plant needs 95%  Hard work people relationships, but to get a platform for your preaching. That is  not a great motive to plant a church Here's one that I've heard my call to ministry is as an evangelist, but because of the bad economy, no one is having traveling  minister in to preach at their church anymore. So I need a base of support  Crumbly rights, the reality is that although you may be correct, starting a new  church for the simple reason of raising financial support for your traveling  ministry is nothing more than Flirting with Disaster. So calling is essential. What  is God calling you to do? Crumbly writes, I am doing this because I firmly  believe that a person with nothing more than the right intent and the call of God  in his life is capable of anything if he sets his mind to it. So are you called now in understand that call, it's very prayerful out of your walk. And it's very much  connected to that confirmation to that to plant in church is a comprehensive  thing involved in a lot of relationships. So as you pray, what is God speaking to  you in your personal life about planting a church, and I'm going to take the this  next, these next items here and talk just how I would have related to it and my  personal call. You know, back in the 1980s, in my devotional life, I mentioned  before about Romans 15, has been my sole ambition to preach Christ where  he's not known. Also, in the book of Acts, as I was reading those devotional  passages, my imagination, my spiritual imagination was caught up in the  mission of God. I also in that personal walk, reflected on many examples of  witnessing to Christ in my high school, and how much I felt incensed and  experienced the presence of God, where he would give me words to speak. So  part of it starts very personally in my walk my life, but when I got married, my  wife, my wife, my spouse, signed on, she too, felt the urgency to reach people  for Christ, and then I had a family, my family has indicated to me what a blessing it has been to be part of a church planting family. Now, if you start out really  young, it's true that your family has no choice. If you're older, and thinking about  church planting, you're definitely gonna have to take care of the family. And even at times negotiate if there's going to be a church plant, how's that going to look  how will affect your family? Also, your friends, my friends, confirm, I had led  some of my high school friends to Christ. And even through my college years, I 

preached Christ interpersonally. That is, if I looked at my life, too, as I realized  that I had to be teachable, and how I managed my time, be on time, I had to  watch my time very carefully, and learn how to work smart, learn how to get  things done quickly, because in church planting is a lot of work. And if you still  want a family, you have to figure out how to manage your time. And when you  do something to do it quickly get it done. Money I did. And I realized right away,  that money would get church planters into trouble if somehow they did not  spend it correctly. Or somehow they they did not wisely, account for their money, all of these things. And one thing I did right in my ministry very early on, is that  got someone else to handle the money in the church plant. Again, these are all  aspects, but they're in that calling place. Now. Let's say you sense the call and  you are teachable in your connections, you're working with family, here's three  things that will help you in this church planting mission. First, Christian leaders  Institute does provide this training. And we're going to work with Multiplication,  Network, and many other resources to help you, your pastor, your pastor, your  mentor, can right away get on board with you, as you process some of this  church planting material. Maybe you can find a church planter in your area to  help you develop a vision, a plan for church planting. So let's talk about some  very important things that could be deal breakers for you. Maybe so far you like  everything that has been said. But I want to mention one thing that's really  important as you sort of figure this out, and that is that people smart in ministry  aspect. We've had a whole class on this that most of you have probably taken or will take But there is an aspect of people smart ministry that cannot be  overlooked when it comes to church planting, Dennis Crumbly writes, sit down  with them that is with a mentor or with your spouse or with other people with a  notebook to record what they say. And ask them how they view you in the  following areas, have them truthfully, answer each one of these questions Do  not go any further in the book until this assignment has been completed. This  may be the hardest, yet most productive gathering of information you will ever  do in preparation toward the success of your future church. Ask them and here  are the questions. How am I around strangers? How am I around my family?  How am I around the rich? How am I around the poor? You're gonna meet a  whole group of people here, how do I react? Do I have an attitude against some  class? How do I talk to other people in a negative? How do I talk about other  people in a negative sense, a church planter is voice is to be positive. Always  see the good in people. That is what God is doing? Not what God is not doing?  Do I complain or whine a lot? What are my three biggest personality quirks?  What are my three biggest weaknesses? What are my three biggest strengths?  How was my vocabulary? How was my dress or appearance? How is my  nonverbal communication? How would you say that I treat people in general see these questions, we're gonna look at it even more in depth in this church  planting class. But these are just examples of things even before you plant a 

church you want to get on the table. So having done that, do you still want to be  a church planter? The reality this should really get you thinking, after you've  completed the line of questioning, and pick yourself up off the floor and stop  crying and feeling sorry for yourself, you'll be a great place to start the work. Just a little humor to let you know that if you're actually completed that assignment,  and that you still want to plant a life giving church Well, you've just made a few  leaps toward that goal, becoming a reality. You know, completing an assignment  is very important because it's that a church planter is always in the process of  teaching. You know, when I build a house, it was amazing how many things I  had to learn to build this house. And that's what's going to be like in church  planting. So learn quickly and get over it and move forward and change by the  power of the Holy Spirit. You know, I'm going to talk about kind of ending this  and Dennis Crumbly does this he talks about Ed Stetzer, Planting Missional  Churches, and these are just 13 characteristics here, of a person who may be  called to plant a church. One is vision capacity, the ability to imagine the future,  to pursue to persuade others to become involved in that dream. And to bring the vision to reality, intrinsically motivated a self starter who is committed to  excellence through hard work and determination, three creates ownership of  ministry instills in others a sense of personal responsibility for the growth and  the success of the ministry and trains leaders to reproduce other leaders.  Stetzer, goes on to talk about even more very powerful on things and what he's  trying to do in this list. He's he's really trying to help each of us identify with the  calling of church planters, relates number four relates to the unchurched, able to develop relationships with the unchurched and encourage them to examine and  to commit to a personal relationship with God. Number five spousal cooperation, the church planter spouse cooperates and agrees with the vision and affirms the balance of marriage, family life and ministry. Number six, effectively builds  relationships takes initiatives and meeting people and deepens relationships as  a basis for more effective ministry. Number seven, committed to growth value  congregational development as a means for increasing the number and quality  of disciples. Number eight, responsive to the community able to adapt ministry  to the culture and needs of the target area residents, number nine, equips and  releases prepares others to use their gifts and encourages them to utilize them  in ministry. You know, these are all important Number 10 flexible and adaptable,  adjust to change and shifts priority when necessary, able to handle surprises  and emergencies in multiple tasks. Number 11 builds consensus enables the  group to work collaboratively toward common goals and skillfully manages and  minimizes conflict. A personal conflict is not a good church planter resilient,  perseveres and endures. 13 exercises faith translates personal conviction into  personal and ministry decisions and resulting actions you see in being called as  a church planter. While it is not easy, in some ways, is simple in this way, it's just about people. It's about time management, it's about being teachable. It's about 

walking with God, it's about having this hunger to reach those who do not know  Christ. In a lot of ways. Those are simple things, but they're not necessarily  easy. On the other hand, I want everyone to know that whether you're an  introvert or an extrovert, you can be a church planter. I've seen both. Whether  you're someone who is good with language, or have a hard time speaking, don't  worry about that. It's really about calling. It's about being teachable. It's about  having the passion to reach people. If you're a church planter or if you're in the  class again, just to study church planting, come along in this journey, and say,  Lord, what do you have for me, and I trust you are going to enjoy this church  planting class.

Остання зміна: понеділок 27 листопада 2023 07:43 AM