Topic outline

  • Minister of the Word

    Minister of the Word (1 Credit) 

    The Minister of the Word program is a rigorous study program that requires students to complete the Bachelor degree. You must also complete the Deacon Minister ordination class and this Minister of Word ordination role class. 

    The Minister of the Word ordination role allows you to do every previous minister role and more:

    • Senior Pastor (Some denominations or local churches will only recognize men as the Senior Pastor) 
    • Lead Minister
    • Missionary
    • Minister
    • Pastor 

    You will also have the training to excel in the following minister roles:

    • Assistant Pastor
    • Associate Pastor
    • Church Planter

    To complete the

    Minister of the Word

    You must have the Bachelor of Divinity Degree or
    Bachelor of Ministry Degree or Minister of the Word Award
    You need a 2.00 GPA and: 

    123 Required Credit Hours
    2 Additional Credit Hours
    125 Minimum Credit Hours

    Once you are done with this class, you will be recognized as a Minister of the Word in the Christian Leaders Alliance. 

    Required Reading 
    All materials for the course are available online. No book purchase is necessary.

    1. Read the online articles for each topic and study the study guide for the comprehensive test.
     You may also save these articles to your own computer for further study. 
    2. Listen to online video lectures. For some videos, there is also a corresponding article. Slides for each video are posted as a text file in some cases. If you wish, you may save each file on your computer and adapt the slides to use when you teach others.
    3. Take tests and quizzes and complete activities online covering the readings and videos. You will have 85 minutes for the comprehensive tests. Once a quiz or test has started, you must finish it, and you can only take the comprehensive test once more if you failed to get 75 percent. If you fail the first time, please study your notes carefully before you take the comprehensive test again. The topic quizzes can only be taken once. While taking the quizzes or tests, you may use your notes and refer to articles and other materials. 

    Once all the quizzes have been taken at least once and any activities/assignments have been completed and graded, you will receive a final grade for the course, which will be recorded on your transcript. If a course allows more than one attempt, but you've completed at least one-attempt on each quiz and finished the last remaining quiz/activity, thus receiving a final grade, you will not be able to update that final grade by attempting a quiz again afterward. Once your final grade is recorded on your transcript, it will not be updated based on additional quiz attempts.


    All of the required course materials are available in this course. 

    Grading Scale
    A 95-100%   A- 90-94%   B+ 87-89%   B 83-86%   B- 80-82%   C+ 77-79%   C 73-76%   C- 70-72%    D+ 67-69%   D 63-66%   D- 60-62%   F 0-59%
    Your average grade for all assignments in the class must be at least 60%. Otherwise, you will fail the class and will receive no course credit.

  • Day 1 - 10

    Welcome to the Minister of the Word Class

    1 Timothy 3:8-13      8 Ministrants (Deacons) -- in like manner grave (meriting serious consideration), not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not given to filthy lucre, 9 having the secret of the faith in a pure conscience, 10 and let these also first be proved, then let them minister, being unblameable. 11 Women -- in like manner grave (meriting serious consideration), not false accusers, vigilant, faithful in all things. 12 Ministrants (Deacons) -- let them be of one wife husbands; the children leading well, and their own houses, 13 for those who did minister well a good step to themselves do acquire, and much boldness in faith that [is] in Christ Jesus. (Young's Literal Translation (YLT))

    Acts 6:8      Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people.

    Acts 8:4-5      Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Philip went down to a city in Samaria and proclaimed the Christ there.

    Acts 21:8-9      Leaving the next day, we reached Caesarea and stayed at the house of Philip the evangelist, one of the Seven(8).  He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied (9).

    Romans 16:1      I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae.  2 I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me. (TNIV)

  • Day 11 - 20

    Bible Knowledge Comprehensive

    Romans 15:14   ¶ I myself am convinced, my brothers, that you yourselves are full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another.

  • Day 21 - 30

    Church History Comprehensive

    Ephesian 5:32   This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.

  • Day 31 - 40

     Doctrinal Knowledge Comprehensive

    Titus 1:9   He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.

  • Day 41 - 50

  • Day 71 - 120

    Update Your Ordination Profile

    As a Minister of the Word, it is your responsibility to keep your profile updated. We would also like you to copy and paste your updated profile and submit it below. 

    Here are some questions to guide you:
    1. How will this Ordained Minister of the Word role help you?
    2. What open doors or ministry opportunities are being put into your path right now?
    3. Is there anything you want to share about your work in ministry?
    4. How has this free ministry training and ordination been formative in your ministry future?
    5. How can we pray for you in your ministry?

    Post your updated story and upload a high-quality picture of yourself at your ordination service or in a ministry post. If you have a security risk, make up a safe screen name and do not upload a photo. 


  • Day 61 - 70

    Your Minister of the Word Installation Service

    It is time to schedule your Installation Service as a Minister of the Word. You will need an ordained leader or representative there and the prescribed form which is included below. 

  • Day 51 - 60

    Step One:

    Verify the completion of this course. You can see you completed it on the Guidance and Credential Panel or in your Grades on the dashboard.

    Step Two:

    Order your official Minister of the Word Clergy Kit:

    Click here to purchase

  • Day 151 - 180

    Our staff will be using this time to review your work. Your grade should appear on your "My Home Page" in the "Course Overview" section.  Please contact Helpdesk if you have any questions or did not receive your grade.