Full Courses - Top Twenty in the Last 12 Months

Are you called to minister to others? This course launches you into the world of ministry training at Christian Leaders. It helps you examine your calling to ministry and your walk with God.  

THE 101 - Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine (3 credits)

This foundational ministry training course focuses on some of the most basic truths in God's Word, the Bible, for guiding Christian belief and behavior. Students will learn these truths, find where they are taught in Scripture, and grow in their ability to state Christian truths clearly and briefly to others.

Ministry Foundations gives you a great foundation for pursuing basic ministry. This course is foundational for those who want to serve in a voluntary (bi-vocational) or salary position in ministry. 

This ministry training course examines the historical writings of the Old Testament, focusing on the stories of God's dealings with Israel in preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ. The class also shows some applications for contemporary Christian living and preaching. (The Old Testament's detailed laws, Psalms, wisdom writings, and prophets are featured in other classes.)

This class explores God's Word in the New Testament, paying particular attention to literary, historical, and theological dimensions.

This course discusses people-intelligence for life and ministry. This class will help you identify common principles for effective communication and how to improve your effectiveness. This course also will help you minister to people better as you learn to hear what they are really saying. This course is designed for you to learn how to express your love in ways that people will understand

This course explores some key aspects of pastoring a church including Your Family and Ministry, Leading the Leaders, Helping People Though Grief, The Nine Facets of Training your Ministry and Small Group Volunteers (Carl George), Sharing the Gospel, Hospitality, and tools for pastors as they set up a discipleship culture in homes of those they influence. This course also offers guidance for dealing with important transitional events, such as baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

This course explores what the Bible reveals about prayer and answers many questions about prayer. Students will grow in interacting with God, praying rightly, seeking God's guidance, and training for godliness.

This course discusses caring for others pastorally as well as strengthening your own marriage. Whether you are married or not, this course gets at the spiritual principles of what makes a powerful kingdom partnership as a husband and wife become one spiritually, emotionally, and sexually. 

This ministry training course introduces students to basic issues in apologetics (defending and contending for the faith). Students learn biblical worldview, cultural analysis, and presenting the gospel in a way that shows its plausibility and addresses common objections.

This course focuses on living according to God’s pattern for us. We study biblical commands and their wise application to various life situations. We expose demonic strategies of temptation and learn about spiritual warfare. We seek ways to express the Christ-life within us by the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

This course considers doctrines about Scripture, God, creation, humanity, sin, and Christ.

This course examines the history of Christianity and its interactions with various social, cultural, and political contexts. Historical study shows God's faithfulness in the past and increases understanding of Christianity's present challenges and opportunities.

This course teaches various life skills and shows how to become healthier and stronger as a total person. Drawing upon a biblical worldview and findings in various disciplines, this course is a journey toward greater fitness in the spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life. 

Life Coaching Ministry is a full three-credit class that could also be called "Life-Changing Coaching". This class teaches you how to be a life coach minister. Professor Steve Elzinga guides you through the study of the theory and practice of life coaching. He connects this field to that of the volunteer, part-time or full-time vocational life coach minister. 

This course explores various kinds of chaplaincy, such as prison, military, and hospital chaplains, along with the potential for using online chat to minister as "chatplains." Students will engage in biblical and theological reflection about chaplaincy, develop personal qualities and skills, and learn basic practices for bringing Christ's healing presence into challenging situations.

This course equips students to bring biblical peace culture to every relationship and situation. You will learn to pursue God's purposes in situations of conflict, rather than reacting in harmful ways. You will learn to depend on God's presence and reconciling power to be a peacemaker, applying PeaceSmart principles in families, organizations, and evangelism.

This course considers Christian doctrines about the Holy Spirit, the application of salvation, the church, and the future. (You must take Theology I before you take Theology II.)

This course builds upon the basics of communication, explores various elements of preparing and preaching sermons, discusses various models of preaching, and presents a wide-ranging sample of preachers for learning and critical evaluation. CLI recommends taking Hermeneutics and Exegesis and Communications 101 before this class.

This class looks at the mighty things the Holy Spirit does in the thought, work, and practice of presenting God's grace to others through evangelism.

Modifié le: vendredi 23 décembre 2022, 13:34