Christian Living/Victorious Life


Spiritual Disciplines are biblical principles that bring growth and depth to ones' faith and relationship with Christ. This mini-course will introduce several fundamental spiritual disciplines and discuss the ways they can be practiced, their biblical framework, and the impact they can have when practiced. 

Clutter, Clutter, Clutter. The soul is confronted with sinful clutter every day. This course is about the care of the soul with special attention paid to what needs to be decluttered. Professor Henry Reyenga invites you to a place where anthropology and practical spiritual growth meet. 

Forgiveness is a powerful topic. From receiving God's forgiveness to giving and receiving forgiveness from others, it is life-changing. This mini-course can be impactful in every area of ministry. How will this course strengthen your knowledge and practice of forgiveness?

Fear. Fear seems to be everywhere! This course looks at the common fears in our world and points to Jesus Christ and his work for victory over fear! This mini-course could be used to inspire a Bible study in your church or community of influence.

Overview of Mental Health Integration

How does mental illness intersect with theology, the church, and who Jesus is? Join Brandon Applenhans in dissecting how faith communities can support mental wellness. 

Are you looking for more tools to serve Christians who struggle with sexual sins? Are you looking for ways for you to be sanctified by the Holy Spirit in your sexual desires? This mini-course will look overcoming sexual sins from a creation, fall redemption Biblical approach. 

Are you interested in learning how to use the Christian Leaders Planner - The Ministry Edition? 

Do you want to declutter your life? Can you be more effective in your walk with God and ministry if your life was more decluttered?  This mini-course may change your home and ministry.

The Bible often speaks into the concepts of money, finances, and giving. What is your relationship like with money? Do you want to take control of your finances? How can studying this topic help you in your walk with God? How can it help you in your ministry?

Serving the Lord with a great attitude brings blessing to yourself and others. If you are looking to thrive in friendship, courtship, marriage, ministry, business, and about everything else a great or positive attitude goes a long way. 

Serving the Lord with a great attitude brings blessing to yourself and others. If you are looking to thrive in friendship, courtship, marriage, ministry, business, and about everything else a great or positive attitude goes a long way. 

This mini-course explores how to build people up. This course will help you love your neighbor, whether that neighbor is in your family, friendship pool, work, church, or community. 

These are also important skills for those seeking a marriage match. If you want more confidence in all your human connections, this mini-course could be helpful.

What are the essential things to know about healthy living? This mini-course explores selected topics presented by Christian cardiologist Dr. James Markum

Full Courses:

This course teaches various life skills and shows how to become healthier and stronger as a total person. Drawing upon a biblical worldview and findings in various disciplines, this course is a journey toward greater fitness in the spiritual, physical, financial, intellectual, emotional, relational, and vocational dimensions of life.

This course discusses people-intelligence for life and ministry. This class will help you identify common principles for effective communication and how to improve your effectiveness. This course also will help you minister to people better as you learn to hear what they are really saying. 

MIN 261 Sex Education and Conversations (4 credits)

Sexual intimacy is a God-given gift connected to marriage and procreation. This course discusses many vital aspects of sexuality within a Christian Worldview approach, in order to equip Christians and ministers to grow in their personal lives and in their ministry impact. 

This course presents basic principles for achieving financial freedom. Emphases include confident expectancy, setting goals, preparing personal financial spreadsheets, escaping debt, managing cash flow, investing, and generous giving.

This course explores what the Bible reveals about prayer and answers many questions about prayer. Students will grow in interacting with God, praying rightly, seeking God's guidance, and training for godliness.

Modifié le: mardi 13 décembre 2022, 11:40